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I see a lot of comments on how rape is sick and wrong. Really? So, if you pick a novel and...

MOI? October 26, 2014 12:21 am

I see a lot of comments on how rape is sick and wrong. Really? So, if you pick a novel and in the middle you find out that there's an act of rape, you'd take the damn thing to be burned with holy water and confess to the 'padre' that you have sinned because you read some sh*t out of the Markis of Sades' head? Please, burn yourselves and then throw your remains onto a river. No. Just GTFOH

    Anonymous October 26, 2014 4:23 am

    Oh, please do not confuse religious belief with principles of coexistence. I don't like seeing a rape scene portrayed so lightly because I consider it an act of violence. The fear of hell doesn't guide my life or how I see things.
    I don't know your life history but do not judge people based on your own assumptions.

    Anonymous October 26, 2014 4:29 am

    Another thing, for all I've read about the tales of the Marquis de Sade, they served to denounce the way the French court behaved in the alcoves and not just pornography for sexual satisfaction of the population. Sade supported the establishment of the Republic and his stories had strong political character.

    se October 26, 2014 5:26 am

    wow what a dolt. pls go educate have internet access.....

    MOI? October 26, 2014 2:34 pm
    Another thing, for all I've read about the tales of the Marquis de Sade, they served to denounce the way the French court behaved in the alcoves and not just pornography for sexual satisfaction of the populatio... @Anonymous

    Siiiigh. Maybe if we spell it to you with 'feces', would you be able to understand? And the 'religious' part was merely simbolic. So are you going to tell every author on earth that rape is bad so they should stop writing about it? Screen writers to stop putting rape stories into the screen? tell every rapist to stop raping? For some, rape is a reality, and if you take into account the different circumstances, you'll find an specific psycological response and thus show us what their characters will become. AND that, fellas, is how put a story together -after all, nobody wants to read about an easy going life with no bumps in the road. Even Bambi's story has some complicatios in it -say, the death of his mother... if you don't like it, please go to the children's section or something

    MOI? October 26, 2014 2:38 pm
    Another thing, for all I've read about the tales of the Marquis de Sade, they served to denounce the way the French court behaved in the alcoves and not just pornography for sexual satisfaction of the populatio... @Anonymous

    And just to make it clear, i don't think people would condone rape in real life -this IS f*cking fiction, for f*ck's sake! If i see getting raped in A dark alley, of course i'll call the f*cking cops to bust the lame bastards who're trying to do you!

    Alice October 26, 2014 4:48 pm
    Siiiigh. Maybe if we spell it to you with 'feces', would you be able to understand? And the 'religious' part was merely simbolic. So are you going to tell every author on earth that rape is bad so they should s... @MOI?

    Look, if you're not willing to discuss your ideas and will get annoyed at criticism or opposing views, do not disclose them in public places like the internet.
    First of all, yes rape is bad, but I never said that they shouldn't be portrayed in stories whether fiction or reality. I said: "I don't like seeing a rape scene portrayed so lightly because I consider it an act of violence." There is no consensual rape. And yes we have to teach, not just to the rapists that what they do is wrong (as far as I know is a crime in many countries) but the whole society. The blame should not fall on the raped. Also because I know that is reality for many people (women and men, adults or children) that I'm saying it should not be portrayed in a light way.
    Specifically talking about yaoi, I don't like to see situations where the seme rapes the uke simply because he can't resist the temptation to have sex with him. And amidst all this, the uke does not feel offended by such aggression and eventually accepts as a demonstration of love. Sorry if not everyone can identify with this situation, again, be they fictional stories or reality. Personally, I prefer stories where the uke is open about sex and do not feel ashamed for feeling pleasure.
    But I agree with you, plots where life runs perfectly well are not as attractive as those in which human difficulties are exposed and, finally overcome with great effort of the characters.
    Anyway, I'm not here to theorize about human relationships or even about what love is. I'm just saying that people should be free to read what they want and criticize if they feel necessary; the same way you felt free to criticize people who don't like to read stories about rape. Of course everything must be kept at a level where there're no personal insults to the beliefs of each individual.

    ps: I forgot to put my name last time, but better late than never.

    MOI? October 26, 2014 11:13 pm
    Look, if you're not willing to discuss your ideas and will get annoyed at criticism or opposing views, do not disclose them in public places like the internet. First of all, yes rape is bad, but I never said th... @Alice

    You are correct, but we are not here to judge wether rape is right or wrong but to see how the characters will turn out to be. We have the luxury to take rape 'lightly' because it IS a work of fiction, if it was a memoir or stuff out of the news it'd be completely different (i'd say 'cut his d*ck and make 'im chocke on it'). There will be hosile differences on every turn of your life -being based on religion or cultural heritage, but when it comes to fiction, why p0nder over what's good or right, instead of debating what's gonna happen next?

    anoo November 22, 2014 1:18 pm
    You are correct, but we are not here to judge wether rape is right or wrong but to see how the characters will turn out to be. We have the luxury to take rape 'lightly' because it IS a work of fiction, if it wa... @MOI?

    you have the luxury to enjoy rape in fiction, not to justify it. it's wrong even if it's fiction. you shouldnt take it lightly but you dont need to go and complain about it. it's fiction and it doesnt concern any of us whether there are people who enjoy it or not.
    btw your manner was more faulty than your opinion in the first place.