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I'm kinda dissapointed ...but it was bound to happen

Unknown Original July 24, 2020 2:59 am

Sure, it's sweet that Jaewon is finally with the person he likes but I don't ship them but will still support them for Jaewon's sake and happiness ...Sure I shipped them at the start and wanted him to end up with Jaewon but seeing how close Jaewon and Junseo are, how they help each other, how comfortably they talk about topics you can't just talk with anyone, etc. made me ship for them instead. They were more compatible in my opinion. Anyhow this story is great! I like the artstyle, the interactions between characters but please do make a sequel of Junseo's happy ending. He deserves his happiness, his happy ending and I know a lot of you agree with me too.
