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Never knew i would hate some fl so much. Didn't hate any character in this story more tha...

xxx July 24, 2020 2:51 am

Never knew i would hate some fl so much. Didn't hate any character in this story more than the female lead herself lol. Story was great,it was so refreshing and interesting. Loved it. since I'm a yaoi girl i cried when sengh... Sorry forgot the name rewind his memories at the end. He was trying so hard bt couldnt stopped loving the guy and ended up messing everything.. Just wanna say "u loving the same gender is completely normal" to him. It was sad how until the end he kept saying how normal he is, how he only sees him as a friend.sob sob. Damon didn't had much but he was the loviest creature present there. He was kinda light that was glowing in that messed world. If we are so evil how lovely it would be if God bring disaster to kill each and every one of us despite its gender, age etc. We already have corrupted this world enough. Just leaving the innocent one ╥﹏╥
