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i'm pretty sure Hayate like Kousaka because he go out all night come home late. He did it ...

eugen October 17, 2014 10:18 am

i'm pretty sure Hayate like Kousaka because he go out all night come home late. He did it on purpose to avoid Kousaka and hided hí feeling but somehow he seem likes to made Kousaka angry

    SeiNayd2411 October 17, 2014 1:37 pm

    you have a good point outta there... I feel the same way too, but I think, he will never end with his step bro cause he already gave the wrong impression and perception

    LL October 18, 2014 12:16 pm

    Agreed with both.there's alot of other subtle hints sensei made that shows that. I think.

    And I have a feeling a spinoff may just appear in the faroff future with Hayate as the main

    Anonymous October 26, 2014 3:11 am
    Agreed with both.there's alot of other subtle hints sensei made that shows that. I think.And I have a feeling a spinoff may just appear in the faroff future with Hayate as the main @LL

    Haha you have a point. He's too good lookng and his design is too unique/specific to just stay as a side character. Just like nao.

    AmanoChie October 31, 2014 2:59 pm
    Haha you have a point. He's too good lookng and his design is too unique/specific to just stay as a side character. Just like nao. @Anonymous

    Now, nanao-san's cousin has a partner XD