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It's 2am now and hungry but i'm too afraid to go to the kitchen =( why this yaoi is so sca...

cocobanana October 16, 2014 6:29 pm

It's 2am now and hungry but i'm too afraid to go to the kitchen =( why this yaoi is so scary...huhuhuhu

    MOI? October 16, 2014 6:43 pm

    LOL :')) i know that feeling -and i love horror movies -here, some advise: are you in your room? if so, leave your light and door on/open -run like hell to the next nearest switch and turn it on, repeat until you reach your destination (don't use your phone to light your way, it'll freak you out even more if you look up and find someone up front staring down at you, and whatever you do don't look over your shoulder, and try not to trip)