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I’m gonna say it. Tbh the manager does need to man up. Like dude, you don’t owe your e...

Justupdatepls July 21, 2020 7:09 am

I’m gonna say it. Tbh the manager does need to man up. Like dude, you don’t owe your ex SH*T. Why on earth should your ability to move on to a new relationship hinge on her petty approval? She was toxic. Hasumi, get some backbone and own up to your own personal emotions and relationships. Because this approach is really rude to the FL who summoned up the courage to confess to you.

    Soy Bean July 21, 2020 2:50 pm


    LatteGratte July 21, 2020 3:25 pm

    Exactly. For the reason she was TOXIC he feels as if he needs her approval. Because he was in a TOXIC relationship he feels guilty even though HE was the one being emotionally abused. This is a step.

    LatteGratte July 21, 2020 3:28 pm

    He needs this so he can move on.

    Justupdatepls July 21, 2020 9:55 pm
    He needs this so he can move on. LatteGratte

    The fact that he thinks he needs her approval to move on creates a path of him unintentionally continuing a toxic cycle in the way he handles relationships. No one should allow their happiness to be up to others or dependent upon their approval. The healthiest thing for him to do is take some time completely to himself to get over his ex and put distance between both girls.

    It’s unrealistic of Hasumi to think that him achieving an amount of views on a project is going to magically snap his mindset into the healthy state it needs to be to be able to successfully cultivate a relationship. In fact, it’s childish. Both of them are for suggesting/agreeing to it. That is completely dependent upon himself and his own self esteem (and his ability to maintain it).

    What’s sad is that he still thinks he owes the ex ANYTHING. He already explained to her how he felt and why things didn’t work. That’s all he’s really obligated to do. Past that, her closure is all on her because that’s internal and only she can give it to herself.

    LatteGratte July 21, 2020 9:58 pm
    The fact that he thinks he needs her approval to move on creates a path of him unintentionally continuing a toxic cycle in the way he handles relationships. No one should allow their happiness to be up to other... Justupdatepls

    You make a lot of good points. Well, I guess we won’t be able to do anything about. We’ll just have to see how it plays out.

    Justupdatepls July 21, 2020 9:58 pm

    @lattegratte let me stress that that paragraph wasn’t me trying to knock your opinion. I just wanted to explain you the lens through which I was viewing their situation

    LatteGratte July 21, 2020 11:19 pm
    @lattegratte let me stress that that paragraph wasn’t me trying to knock your opinion. I just wanted to explain you the lens through which I was viewing their situation Justupdatepls

    Yes, I know. I’m not offended lol.

    Kirika42 July 22, 2020 10:30 am
    The fact that he thinks he needs her approval to move on creates a path of him unintentionally continuing a toxic cycle in the way he handles relationships. No one should allow their happiness to be up to other... Justupdatepls

    Preach!! Ive been loosing braincells over this manga but im too invested to stop at this point lmfao

    Tolly July 27, 2020 12:53 am
    The fact that he thinks he needs her approval to move on creates a path of him unintentionally continuing a toxic cycle in the way he handles relationships. No one should allow their happiness to be up to other... Justupdatepls

    The saddest thing I think is that I doubt the manga is going to own up to that. She probably will let him go instead of him coming to the realization that he owes her nothing.
    The mc too, she shouldn’t take so much bullshit honestly. She’s pathetic too. Why? Because this manga plays her attitude as loable.