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If the seme doesn't rape the uke in the next chapter I'm so done...RAPE scene please? A BA...

Little Devil October 10, 2014 9:03 pm

If the seme doesn't rape the uke in the next chapter I'm so done...RAPE scene please? A BAD step-mother makes this story more appealing!

    Funny girl October 11, 2014 12:26 am

    I think he will just tease him a bit and leave a mark (that the brother will see!!) just that. I think is too soon for that considering the little we know about them until know

    Anonymous October 11, 2014 1:04 am

    Both of you need to shut up. Fiction or not, rape is rape. It's appalling.

    Falling River!! October 11, 2014 7:47 pm

    I want the seme to have sex with uke and the uke is hating it, but then after he feels the pleasure and sensation and just falls deep into it. I want the seme to be forceful with kouska, dominant, passionate and a little bit gentle so Kousaka can understand that the seme is'nt bad and does'nt hate him. I want the seme to savour kousaka's body and make him experience all the different kinds of emotions. Kousaka was crying because he felt an overwhelming rush of feelings that he never felt and was so afraid that he could'nt help but cry. So sad. I love Kousaka Nao <333!!! he is adorable.

    Anonymous October 12, 2014 1:37 am
    Both of you need to shut up. Fiction or not, rape is rape. It's appalling. @Anonymous

    So touchy. It's a very common thing in this genre, if you can't handle it don't read.

    Its yaoi. October 13, 2014 7:02 am

    pretty common in this genre.
    The rule in the yaoi world is that
    1) If its out of love its justified rape
    2) Rape is ok as long as it doesn't "feel" traumatizing.
    But the real world is obviously different ^_^

    Anon October 16, 2014 1:06 am
    Both of you need to shut up. Fiction or not, rape is rape. It's appalling. @Anonymous

    Agreed. Regardless of how prevalent the "rape = love" trope is in yaoi, it doesn't make it any less deplorable. It's terrible writing. Being forced to have sex with someone, being violated and still expected to love your rapist; that's not something anyone would want to experience in real life, yet it's so heavily glorified in the yaoi genre that it desensitizes people to the issue and gets called off as, "oh it's just yaoi lol its romantic." Awful.
    And, no, just because rape is common in yaoi doesn't mean that people can't complain about it. People would still read the story if they can tolerate it enough, even if rape would definitely plunder their opinion about it. Complaining about people complaining about an overused, cliche trope is stupid imo.
    tl;dr Rape is bad and Akagi needs to be considerate and give Nao some space instead of violating him on the spot, k. They can (and should) talk things over. Take it slow. Be a bro.

    Lily October 25, 2014 10:23 pm
    Agreed. Regardless of how prevalent the "rape = love" trope is in yaoi, it doesn't make it any less deplorable. It's terrible writing. Being forced to have sex with someone, being violated and still expected to... @Anon

    I agree...
    also that's terrible thinking "i hope that he rapes him and Nao hates it but then feels pleasure", you know why? BECAUSE THAT'S THE THING STUPID PEOPLE THINK. They think that also in real life a rape can be full of pleasure. Well there are in fact "games" with your partner and you can play with him/her, but if it's a real rape it can't be good....BELIEVE IT, I went through it and it's really horrible. So please let's end this thing about rape... ALL need to know that it's not funny, good etc etc

    Lily October 25, 2014 10:24 pm
    I want the seme to have sex with uke and the uke is hating it, but then after he feels the pleasure and sensation and just falls deep into it. I want the seme to be forceful with kouska, dominant, passionate an... @Falling River!!

    go to hell. really.