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Trying to remember a bl manga

Nise July 20, 2020 1:07 pm

It’s going to be kind of vague because I only remember this particular scene and a bit of the plot.
Uke was laying down, reading a book on a couch (at school, empty room) and the seme comes in and lays down on him to rest. Nothing sexual, just being in the comforts of each other and then the uke changes their position to be more comfortable and uses seme’s head as a book rest.
I think the story is something along the lines of the two characters hang out in this room at school because no one goes there or something like that. I think they both had some of family issues and then they just kind of find it comforting to be in each other’s presence and decided not to butt into each other’s personal lives. I know for sure that the high school scenes were pretty short because the later chapters they are either in college/working (or one of them is going to school and the other is working) and they are in a relationship and living together. I believe the seme was having issues and the mom reached out and wanted to visit him but he didn’t want to but I think the uke actually told the mom where they lived.

Sorry quite long, but I can’t for the life of me remember the title of this manga.
