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I like the main character a lot but the FL is putting me off

jedephant July 19, 2020 4:33 am

Is it too much to ask for an organic development of feelings from the FL? Tbh she just comes across as a groomer for me. Like, here's a kid who had been abused his whole life and just once, a stranger shows him kindness. He decides that she's someone he respects and wants to look up to. Yet she had other things in mind, such as grooming him into her husband. How could he refuse when he owes him his life? This naive child who needs at this time a parent figure that can guide him, not romance! Her premise kinda grosses me out even if she's objectively kind and unmalicious in her actions.

    ❦Heart❧ July 25, 2020 8:48 am

    not really since the ML reject the elf first, that means to me atleast that the ML knows what he want to achieve first and that is to be an adventurer, and some people are attracted to the people they admire i dont see it as a bad thing as long as they dont push it fast and just let it come together naturally..

    jedephant July 30, 2020 2:00 pm

    It still feels gross to look at a child with romantic interest...I just wish him to have a parental figure who could support him so I'm disappointed with how strongly she came on to him

    Idca September 17, 2020 3:20 pm

    Yeah. I feel the same. As soon as she proposed, I was turned off from this comic. I think I'll pass.

    Rii-chan September 18, 2020 4:22 am
    It still feels gross to look at a child with romantic interest...I just wish him to have a parental figure who could support him so I'm disappointed with how strongly she came on to him jedephant

    Agreed, was kinda hoping she wouldve taken the big sis role with no future romance implied.

    Heathenpanda July 12, 2021 4:20 am

    I keep asking myself who would be the equivalent of the FBI in this world so they can report Stella lmao though hopefully somebody gets introduced who Istofa could fall for who is around his age. Ideally there'd be 0 romance though.