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It starts off rough, but absolutely worth it.

yforever125 July 16, 2020 8:51 am

Ppl keep saying that she didn't consent... the first meeting was a bit uncomfortable to read, and he was being unnecessarily pushy. But she did consent, they both came to a mutual agreement, matter of fact, she proposed it; it was something about accepting her as both a wife and a 'lover' in bed. He treated her roughly the first time but there was still mutual consent regardless if it was shitty.

As a reader, I started off disliking him, yet I didn't even realize when he slowly became a lovable character. His redemption was so smoothe, and I fell in love with the way he fell in love with edna.

Edna is a strong and intelligent character, she's not a push over nor is she weak in any way. It felt natural when she forgave him because we knew she was strong enough to. Unlike some 'strOnG fEMale prOTagOnist' stories that end up being with their actually horrid abusers, whom the story finds a way to make look pitiful, or that it wasn't their fault. (I'm looking at you the abandoned empress, lady to queen etc.) All shade aside, they didn't try to make a sad backstory, or some over the top brainwashing to blame his terrible behaviour. He regretted with his whole chest, and apologized without blaming anyone else but himself.

This story is 100% worth it.

    candc2006 July 25, 2020 4:49 am

    sorry I meant to dislike this

    Tsukki_Yuki21 July 26, 2020 2:47 am

    Totally agree with this.. i think that we also need to consider the manga’s setting.. it was at a time of where edna’s mother needs to hide the fact that edna is a girl.. cause maybe at that time it was when girls are looked down and don’t really have that much of equal right.. eli even felt sorry for the first time that he was rough.. after that eli did try his best to treat edna as gentle as he can.. edna seems to not mind and all the more fall in love.. they have their first circumstance but the time they are together whats made then fall for one another.. tho however they say that this is rape.. and some may have been triggered.. then those who aren’t comfortable with it can just not read it..

    yforever125 July 26, 2020 6:50 am
    Totally agree with this.. i think that we also need to consider the manga’s setting.. it was at a time of where edna’s mother needs to hide the fact that edna is a girl.. cause maybe at that time it was whe... Tsukki_Yuki21

    I know right! I think this too! There's a lot of context to consider, and though they may be uncomfortable for us who live in the modern day, these things just help reinforce what period the story is set in. A time where it was easier to live as a man. As readers we won't like it, so the author makes sure that the ML has to redeem himself and become a likable, forgivable character.