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I noticed something...

Kameko July 14, 2020 8:33 pm

Isn’t this race of dark-haired, red-eyed people (gifted, but the product of incest) exactly like in Lucia? Is this concept actually rooted in some mythology/history or is it just a trope authors are copying?

    LieeRaine July 14, 2020 9:19 pm

    There are stories of incest in the past among nobilities. You can search some of European countries who have a long history of monarch system. They have weird thinking of wanting to preserve their "pure" bloodlines so they marry each other's relatives. That's also the reason why they die early or have physical/biological defects because their genes are so fucked up.

    Kameko July 14, 2020 10:17 pm
    There are stories of incest in the past among nobilities. You can search some of European countries who have a long history of monarch system. They have weird thinking of wanting to preserve their "pure" bloodl... LieeRaine

    Yeah, I’m aware of that history. Just curious as to why red eyes or black hair are associated specifically with royalty inbreeding? (also the irony of them being gifted instead of genetically defective) (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Phönixrot July 15, 2020 5:59 am

    Inbreeding strengthens any kind of genetic traits, the good and the bad ones. So it is often used in animal breeding, for example, to have your cows produce even more milk, or if you want to create a new breed of dogs, and so on ...

    Red eyes are extremely rare (only albinos have red eyes) and were often associated with being possessed by the devil or demons.

    So I think, the authors simply use red eyes as a visible sign, for being something "special" and inbreeding to keep this within your family.

    Kameko July 15, 2020 6:49 am
    Inbreeding strengthens any kind of genetic traits, the good and the bad ones. So it is often used in animal breeding, for example, to have your cows produce even more milk, or if you want to create a new breed ... Phönixrot

    You’re right, that’s probably what the authors were thinking. Thanks for the explanation!

    Phönixrot July 15, 2020 7:38 am
    You’re right, that’s probably what the authors were thinking. Thanks for the explanation! Kameko

    Also the combination of red eyes (evil possession) and black hair (dark side) is often used to portray evil beings like Dracula.

    vaneella July 15, 2020 12:09 pm

    Wow, this is informative and interesting. Thanks for sharing!