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I do not approve

Rice July 14, 2020 8:08 pm

You know what, I wish she could just secretly learn basic survival and hunting skills, put on some comfortable clothes, pack a bag and just leave that disgusting family. I am sick of them and I hate to see the mc so powerless. Absolutely no hate on her cause that situation I would have handled way worse than she does. And I know it's impossible for her, since many would probably be chasing her and she may just get assassinated by her 'fathers' people, and it would be just so freaking hard to survive on your own in that world, but man I wish. I don't want that hot knight to be her savior, I want her to break free from everything and everyone and then come back hundred times stronger and beat the shit out of her enemie's asses. And THEN get with the knight.

Sorry I am just kinda frustrated here these are just my wild fantasies, pls don't mind me.

    Trixion July 14, 2020 11:22 pm

    omg I never agreed so much