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I read a manga and it was omegaverse I forgot the title and I got really confused because ...

Kaiju July 14, 2020 4:43 am

I read a manga and it was omegaverse I forgot the title and I got really confused because the mother is an alpha and the father is the omega and it was said that the father is the one who gave birth. I'm curious how did that happen?

    Kaiju July 14, 2020 4:45 am

    The mother is a woman

    why July 14, 2020 4:56 am

    Alpha females have dicks (well, their clit expands into one when they get turned on if I'm not wrong) :)

    Kaiju July 14, 2020 5:03 am
    Alpha females have dicks (well, their clit expands into one when they get turned on if I'm not wrong) :) why

    Ohh. Thanks for answering my stupid question