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"He gave me a piece of candy saying: your voice sounds awful" :V WTF hahaha didn't like t...

Juli September 25, 2014 5:06 am

"He gave me a piece of candy saying: your voice sounds awful" :V WTF hahaha didn't like the seme at aaaallll

    Nemui December 22, 2014 12:55 pm

    No, u interpret it worng.... That's because the uke was coughing (*prolly since the uke been moaning and keep calling the seme's name and keep saying 'love you' all night long and that'd make the uke's throat dry...*) Hence, the seme gave him a candy to relive the uke's dries throat. It wasn't meant to mock on the uke's voice sounds ugly...

    Anonymous March 22, 2015 3:05 pm

    Eh,I think you didn't get the hang of it.... Nemui explained it clearly.

    Lilian August 20, 2017 4:41 pm
    No, u interpret it worng.... That's because the uke was coughing (*prolly since the uke been moaning and keep calling the seme's name and keep saying 'love you' all night long and that'd make the uke's throat d... @Nemui

    This is what happened. The seme is that type of person who is brutally honest and calls things how they are, without trying to be politically correct or sugar coat his words, so yes he sounds harsh... He said "your voice sounds awful" because his boyfriend's voice was sore after moaning and stuff, but he's not looking down on him nor mocking him nor trying to make him feel bad, it's just an observation, he's worried that his boyfriend's voice sounds hurt, so he gives him candy to help his throat