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Mane first I was reading a hot spicey scene and now a sad scene :( (Also was there sum pp...

Stan ASTRO July 13, 2020 3:01 am

Mane first I was reading a hot spicey scene and now a sad scene :(

(Also was there sum ppl in the comments saying homophobic things cuz there's a lots of people saying it reeks of homophobia and people talking about religions and stuf but I dont see the comments but I'd like to SOO I could tell them sum shit
And if there is (pretty sure there are) it's dumb like if ur homophobic why are you even reading this in the first place and you need to accept that people can love who they want to love. Its also none of ur business who someones dates ......and about the religion stuff don't be disrespecting peoples religions because thats just plain rude and disgusting
