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Memes were good but distracting

Nilza July 10, 2020 7:23 pm

The sex scenes were good and the art was awesome. I liked the memes but they kinda distracted me . Even though I didn't think that the plot was bad but the memes kept telling me it was bad so I was not able to enjoy it much even though normally I like this kinda manga.

    Bananat3 July 10, 2020 7:50 pm


    HADIFER July 11, 2020 10:27 am

    Sorry if it distracted you. That was literally the purpose of why I made the memes. I need distraction from the meh plot. Smut was good the art was good. I don’t find it bad. I just regretted buying it. It felt like porn and the baseball storyline was added for decoration.