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My kokoro is not daijoubo

Carmoy3 July 9, 2020 2:50 pm

I dont know how many times my heart was broken in this manga. I can literally feel it being smash and breaking into pieces. And imagine him commiting suicide just to travel back in time for Ban and going against destiny... He did it over and over. The trauma of falling and dying again again. But he still did it. People would go crazy if they keep dying repeatedly guys, nobody can handle that. But he did cause he Ban was his stone that keep him in the ground. And finally making the decision of not meeting Ban and sacrificing their relationship, those years of loneliness and painful thoughts of what if it wont work?, what if he will still die? What if...? Those "what if" and things he had gone through will slowly break ones mind and spirit, and the thoughts and possibility of not being able to see him again, of not being love by him just so damn painful. So I salute u! U have my respect and admiration.
