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Jreadsall July 9, 2020 4:15 am

Taku is not in love with Haesoo he’s in love with The Haesoo who is in love With Joowon. It is something that he cannot have and will probably never have therefore it makes him infatuated with Haesoo. He likes the brokenness of him and the complex feelings in Haesoon eyes and in Haesoo‘s actions. It is an infatuation and obsession and if they do get together in the long run and Haesoo is no longer in love with joowon ... taku will get bored. And you might say well he said that is something that he never felt before yeah it is something that he’s never felt before because it’s something that he wants... the relationship between Haesoo and Joowon the connection that Haesoo has with Joowon is what he wants that’s why it bothers his mind and he confuses it with love.

I mean that’s how I see it .

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 10:05 pm
    Like I don't really care about what you and your friend think about me and your opinion. I have a really nice conversations with many people. If someone is polite and respectful we can have completely different... Magnolia

    You know that I know I'm not popular over here, no need to bring that up as if that's something new :)

    And same goes for me, I've made many friends here, even joowon stans, and we all agree that lately you've been going mad crazy over here. I get that my attitude is harsh af, that's probably the radical feminist activist inside me, but I used to think you're alright even if we're not on the same page, however lately you've been really exhausting.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:05 pm

    Oh B you just have to call people assholes, pathetic etc. You just have to.

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 10:07 pm
    Oh B you just have to call people assholes, pathetic etc. You just have to. Magnolia

    talk about the point, not about my language

    fuck did i hurt your feelings by saying the word asshole? shit, sorry

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:09 pm

    I literally wrote like 4 comments about this comment section. Yeah I'm totally pathetic and out of control. What's even better was Joowon's fans, Taku's fans joke. When people did one like that before me and that's ok... But suddenly it's not~

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:10 pm
    I literally wrote like 4 comments about this comment section. Yeah I'm totally pathetic and out of control. What's even better was Joowon's fans, Taku's fans joke. When people did one like that before me and th... Magnolia

    One was*

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:12 pm

    you don't have the right to tell me what to do lmao - like you are just doing it towards me.. but ok?

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 10:12 pm
    One was* Magnolia

    you done now?

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:15 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    Let's be real. It's hard to like everything in the same way. Probably I like Joowon the most. But it doesn't mean I don't like the rest.
    For me it's pointless to add another and another positive comments when they are hundred positives ones already. Also I wrote few times that I myself don't find Taku at this point in the story shady and I believe his feelings are actually genuine.

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 10:15 pm
    you don't have the right to tell me what to do lmao - like you are just doing it towards me.. but ok? Magnolia

    i mean sure, you can continue talking about my language instead of the actual point, but will that bring us further? nope (。・ω・。)

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:16 pm

    But what's your "actual point"?

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 10:22 pm
    you don't have the right to tell me what to do lmao - like you are just doing it towards me.. but ok? Magnolia

    i mean sure, you can continue talking about my language instead of the actual point, but will that bring us any further? nope (。・ω・。)

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:23 pm

    Also pure evil is said in sarcastic way lmfao.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:30 pm

    Like you didn't answer my question. I answered for most of your accusations. Made my own points. No one answered them. But ok.

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 10:34 pm
    Like you didn't answer my question. I answered for most of your accusations. Made my own points. No one answered them. But ok. Magnolia

    what question?

    my point was clearly that you prefer to believe what *you* think is going on, you put words into my mouth like many others. instead of replying to that, you just got butthurt over me using the word 'asshole'

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:40 pm

    Exactly show me the part how I don't understand that Joowon is getting hate because people hate him?

    Which words I put in your mouth? It was assumption you hate Joowon. I didn't see you writting one positive thing about him. Only euphemisms and then you say ... But I don't hate him. Sorry if my interpretation is out of thin air.
    Based on your many posts. You even used to openly say that you hate him.

    What I prefer to believe is going on?

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 10:49 pm
    Exactly show me the part how I don't understand that Joowon is getting hate because people hate him?Which words I put in your mouth? It was assumption you hate Joowon. I didn't see you writting one positive thi... Magnolia

    You literally want me to say 'i hate joowon with all my heart'. That's what you said. It isnw just an 'assumption', YOU believe I hate Joowon and thats it.

    Lately I haven't said anything good about Joowon, now what? Why should I? What would that change. I *obviously* don't go by the same logic as you; protecting a character just because he's the one who gets the most hate even though he has his "good qualities"

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:49 pm

    Also where exactly I put in others' mouth words. Even better MANY others.

    Sometimes I say that the post gave some vibes or gave the undertone... Tbh I only did that with Anonymous one post uke/seme post. But is that equal to putting words in others' mouths? Even better MANY mouths?

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:51 pm

    I *obviously* don't go by the same logic as you; protecting a character just because he's the one who gets the most hate even though he has his "good qualities - oh no, you just write the whole post dissing the character you don't like after someone wrote positive post about him.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:55 pm

    Also rather strange assumption that I only write positive things about Joowon because I want to protect him. Like I enjoy writting about his character? And always did?

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 10:56 pm
    Also where exactly I put in others' mouth words. Even better MANY others. Sometimes I say that the post gave some vibes or gave the undertone... Tbh I only did that with Anonymous one post uke/seme post. But is... Magnolia

    noo xD ugh, i didn't mean that you put words into many others. i meant that many other ppl put words into MY mouth.