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Jreadsall July 9, 2020 4:15 am

Taku is not in love with Haesoo he’s in love with The Haesoo who is in love With Joowon. It is something that he cannot have and will probably never have therefore it makes him infatuated with Haesoo. He likes the brokenness of him and the complex feelings in Haesoon eyes and in Haesoo‘s actions. It is an infatuation and obsession and if they do get together in the long run and Haesoo is no longer in love with joowon ... taku will get bored. And you might say well he said that is something that he never felt before yeah it is something that he’s never felt before because it’s something that he wants... the relationship between Haesoo and Joowon the connection that Haesoo has with Joowon is what he wants that’s why it bothers his mind and he confuses it with love.

I mean that’s how I see it .

    UsuNee July 9, 2020 6:16 am


    Joonie July 9, 2020 7:28 am

    Wow this is amazing!

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 12:42 pm

    40 dislikes what the hell i've never seen that good job lmaooo

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 1:17 pm

    I think it was the case at the beggining of the story but now he genuinely has feelings for him.

    Jreadsall July 9, 2020 7:48 pm
    40 dislikes what the hell i've never seen that good job lmaooo BlubbDia


    Jreadsall July 9, 2020 7:53 pm

    I never had this many dislikes ouuu but anyway if you guys really think about it and study him you would see what I am seeing.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 8:10 pm
    I never had this many dislikes ouuu but anyway if you guys really think about it and study him you would see what I am seeing. Jreadsall

    Don't mind dislikes in this comment section. I don't agree with your comment in 100 pr although I think at first it was the case. Also the person who made fan of your post and called it crazy in their own OP made posts like : "can somebody please tell me i'm not the only one who finds joowon as a character extremely boring? hear me out!
    When I think of him I see someone who doesn't know how to worship anyone or anything. he's successful career wise, he acts like he's full of himself, but deep inside he's just a loser who can't let go of someone like haesoo. he has an aggressive attitude and in the story he starts changing because he lost whats most important to him. when he tried to protect haesoo he also did it in the worst ways possible too. idk but that is so basic and boring, he's not charismatic and not interesting whatsoever. his only talent might be his dick, real talk. as i already said, i just see a loser who did a lot of stupid things and now regrets it and is being quite a crybaby". So like. Lol the irony.
    And in this comment section talking about something even a little bit negative about Taku or positive about Joowon always will get you a lot of dislikes. I got 12? Or 15? Dislikes. Because I wrote it's hilarious that after all these chapters people still see Joowon as nothing more than psycho abuser and comparing him to Sangwoo from KS was priceless *irony*.

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 9:11 pm

    @Magnolia damn i appreciate you copy'npasting my post ^^
    you really shouldn't focus on dislikes/likes. The reason why you're getting quite some dislikes is because you're making yourself known by posting frequently. people don't like that and trust me i've been there, whether i was nice or rude. you also take things way to technical and serious, for example how it triggered you that someone 'compared' joowon to sangwoo.

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 9:12 pm
    @Magnolia damn i appreciate you copy'npasting my post ^^ you really shouldn't focus on dislikes/likes. The reason why you're getting quite some dislikes is because you're making yourself known by posting freque... BlubbDia

    you also dont seem to understand that the reason Joowon is getting hate is because people HATE him. Girl its such simple logic and not to be rude but nobody cares if it bothers you

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 9:32 pm

    Lmfao it's hilarious you calling me RUDE.
    Don't make me laugh. Most if not every more positive comment about Joowon gets dislikes. A lot of them. So your "theory" is rather missed. And I still get more likes than dislikes. Some people have common sense. And try to see both positive and negative sides of character. They are not blinded by hatred.

    You calling me triggered. Said the person who was triggered by my post so much she had to wrote the whole shitpost and block me... I was laughing so hard while reading "his only talent is his dick". Wow even I didn't put so much mind to his dick.

    Can you stop with the girl etc? No one likes it. You are probably younger than me by few years looking at your immature attitude.

    Oh you can hate all you want. But don't cry how people are "hating" on Taku because they had audacity to call him shady for example. Or have fuckin mind break because someone said Joowon is not pure evil.

    I'm so happy that I can appreciate all three of them. It's a real bliss.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 9:34 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    Who said it's your fault that Joowon is hated more than Taku?
    She wasn't rude? Did we read the same comments? She used to personally attack people, calling them dumb, idiots and that they need therapy. Let's be a little bit objective.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 9:44 pm

    I seriously can't take you serious.
    You were the one who brought dislikes into this conversation.... And now you are telling me I shouldn't focus on dislikes, likes. Like what?

    Exactly show me the part how I don't understand that Joowon is getting hate because people hate him.
    Plus I find it just funny that many people who hate him because he is so toxic, are salivating over the most toxic semes in BL world.
    And truth is they don't give a flying fuck about toxicity. About unhealthy relationships. For many it's about shipwars. This simple. It's a lOgIc gUrL. Simple logic.

    Also you are not interested in the plot or characters development in the slightest. If J&H will end up together you are going to have stroke. Even if they don't end up together but Joowon would get some happiness you are gonna be bitter about it.
    And your hilarious excuse at the end of your post "how you don't hate him" anymore. Why are you pretending. Be honest, be yourself. And say with proud how much you hate him~

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 9:51 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    Ok. So me remembering her behaviour is now stalking?
    I literally said "Also the person who made fan of your post and called it crazy in their own OP made posts like" - I didn't say she called her crazy?

    I still don't understand the last accusation.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 9:52 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    Oh. Thank you. I thought you were better than that.

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 9:54 pm

    I don't even remember calling you rude LOL
    Okay I guess my theory wasn't all that good lmao i was trying to make feel better but i see you just care about 'still having more likes than dislikes' haha congrats !

    I'm not calling you girl because I wanna put myself in a higher position, but because its a habit and my way of speaking. I call my dudes girl and I call older friends girl, i dont give a damn if you're older than me bc you're acting just as childish as you claim me to be Srsly everyone who I'm talking too says that you're acting absolutely pathetic and embarrasing. Not even my words but it is what it is.

    I barely cry over Taku haters unless they're talking bs or being silly (and even if I did, you don't have the right to tell me what to do lmao). I myself have stated many times that I UNDERSTAND why people used to find him shady. I also don't complain about people saying Joowon is not pure evil, you should know that even I don't think he's pure evil. I said I feel sorry for him and he's a loser imo whatchu gonn do about that. You're coming up with the most over exaggerated things, don't you see it ?

    And yes it's definitely a bliss to be able to like all of these characters. But the way you're acting as if you're superior for that, is the reason why nobody can stand talking to you unless they have the same opinion.

    BlubbDia July 9, 2020 9:57 pm
    I seriously can't take you serious.You were the one who brought dislikes into this conversation.... And now you are telling me I shouldn't focus on dislikes, likes. Like what?Exactly show me the part how I don'... Magnolia

    yup you're being just like the assholes who love putting words into my mouth :) if you don't believe me that i don't hate joowon, then that's clearly a you-problem and there's no point in having this conversation since you only believe what you think.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 9:59 pm

    Like I don't really care about what you and your friend think about me and your opinion. I have a really nice conversations with many people. If someone is polite and respectful we can have completely different opinions and still have nice conversation.

    Let's be real. Half or this comment section can't stand you. I talked with many people and they had literally gag reflex when you came back.
    But I'm not going to lower myself to your level and talk how pathetic and embarrassing, childlish your behaviour is.

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:01 pm

    Oh it's just my sick assumption you hate him. It's literally taken out of thin air :(

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:01 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    I'm so grateful for your concern :")

    Magnolia July 9, 2020 10:04 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    There are so many positive comments about Taku and negative about Joowon there would be no sense to write another positive one about Taku. But I like him. He is one of the most unique characters I've ever met. I believe his feelings are genuine. His project and looks are gorgeous.