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"I'm so disgusting because I like you blablabla". No, you're disgusting because you raped ...

Wat September 14, 2014 12:57 pm

"I'm so disgusting because I like you blablabla". No, you're disgusting because you raped the one you love many times, stop being so fucking self centered, you hurt your brother and crush so many times, yet you feel so sorry for yourself. Bah, talking to the guy in the manga like he's real x) No but, rape is wrong, no matter the reason and you can't excuse it. It was pretty hot tho. Not the rape, the sex x) But the sex part was the rape part...ugh.

    Cetagandane March 1, 2017 9:39 pm

    Yeah... I didn't enjoy the sex scenes at all. It felt really wrong, going from totally fucked up so much so I wish he would pay for this crimes, to fluffy lovey-dovey with everything mended in 1 frigging page...