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Arima <3 I wonder why Arima's hair ended up white in his older self. It might have som...

I CAN'T September 13, 2014 6:20 am

Arima <3

I wonder why Arima's hair ended up white in his older self. It might have something to do with his friend dying. I don't know I feel like this Taishi dude's gonna be an extremely close friend who winds up dying... Maybe they'll even meet Rize during their time together before this Taishi dude dies.

    articwolf September 14, 2014 2:40 am

    i'm still wondering how Kaneki got white hair.

    Unsure September 14, 2014 1:30 pm
    i'm still wondering how Kaneki got white hair. articwolf

    torture right?

    articwolf September 14, 2014 2:58 pm

    Yeah, he was being tortured but how does being tortured turn your whole hair white.

    Lidsworth September 14, 2014 10:56 pm

    Taishi is still alive. He actually is seen during Mado's funeral/vigil. Maybe something happened to split them up in the future, or maybe they just don't see one another as much any more. He's a First Class Investigator, so he's always busy.

    Anonymous September 16, 2014 7:04 pm
    Yeah, he was being tortured but how does being tortured turn your whole hair white. articwolf

    It has to do with stress. When you're under a huge amount of stress, you start getting white hair. Well, imagine going through the torture that Kaneki went through and having all the thoughts that went in his head. That pain and stress was enough for one lifetime and maybe more. It's not surprising that his hair turned white.

    articwolf September 16, 2014 7:12 pm
    It has to do with stress. When you're under a huge amount of stress, you start getting white hair. Well, imagine going through the torture that Kaneki went through and having all the thoughts that went in his h... @Anonymous

    kinda started thinking that but i know it effects here and there just didn't know it could dye the whole thing.

    YaoiBeauty September 22, 2014 9:33 pm

    Well I think Kaneki got his white hair from the strain of his powers.

    Jtb October 17, 2014 12:55 am

    For all of those wondering how Kaneki hair turned white it was due to stress and accepting torture and accepting the fact that he is a ghoul. Yamori or Jason put him through so much by torturing him and to get into details by cutting off his fingers and toes and stabbing him in the eye just so he could cut off his fingers and toes let them regenerate and repeat he would do this for about I wanna say 10 or more hours within 3 days, due to all of that after regenerating so much Kaneki's finger nails and toe nails turned black permanently and his hair turned snowy white. As Said before your hair turns white due to stress and considering Kaneki went through hours of torturing for 3 days with barely any breaks his hair turned white not because strain of powers or any magic or anything like that, it was stress from torture.