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Just random ranting on the drama

Ukap July 8, 2020 5:34 am

I will be grateful if someone will notify me when this series end. It started off with good vibe (for me)but the drama escalated like shit. Remind me of k drama 'love rain' . I don't hate joowon but I don't like him either and I think haesoo life would be less dramatic if he ends up with taek /Taku.(he doesn't need to, he could be single too) But I have this feeling somewhere in my heart that haesoo gonna end with joowon ( I think they have this unconditional love between them idk but I just feel suffocated by that fact). I don't mind if it does on that note but the whole process of waiting every week for update to see this drama is getting me . I would just like to know how it end ( ̄へ ̄)

    Ukap July 8, 2020 6:59 am

    I think he's pretty much doing job and his gallery's (leo one )was going great. What I mean is he's already well known photographer in the show biz if he got to photoshoot joowon (famous actor)too. So yeah. Now I don't know if it's making any sense at this point of conversations

    Ukap July 8, 2020 8:21 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! blue

    Well just a question but orginally Taku is korean citizen right . Who's studying in Japan or he's korean who live in Japan. So visa issue idk?and as for the parent thing I think it's common in fiction to see mc engross on one aspect of life as if there's no other thing so if Taku parent were never mentioned i don't think it will be an issue . But I know that just how I feel . I dont mind however it end . I just want to see how the writer gonna end all this Taku incest(biological or not) and parent marriage thing.