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Tf is happening i am very confused on god

Benji July 7, 2020 4:12 pm

Tf is happening i am very confused on god

    MaeLynn July 7, 2020 7:04 pm

    What u confused about?
    Here’s a summary so far if that helps>>>
    So Hyun and Ivan are basically happy adorable couple, but Alec also seems to have his eyes on Hyun. Ivan and Alec were “childhood friends” in a way. While Ivan was always trying to become friends with Alec but he kept rejecting his advances. However at some point in their youth, I believe they were close friends. Alec was also somewhat jealous of Ivan growing up since Ivan seemed like the child everyone loved and Alec had no one. Fast forward to their teen years, it seems like Alec may have manipulated Ivan into staying by his side. So Ivan was at a low point in his life where everyone around him started treating him differently(like an outcast, throwaway, etc.) and it seems that he had no one to turn to so Alec used that to his advantage so he could get someone to use(my prediction). So the guy that Alec fucked to get info out of seems to have been sent by Ivan’s father. Perhaps for blackmail information. To me it looks like both families of the snake tribe are trying to start shit with each other. For (political, personal gains, etc.)

    Benji July 8, 2020 4:04 am

    I confused about the picture walmart hen wants to take. Does the old white-haired man like Alecc??

    Thanks you the summary btw!