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is everything happening too fast or is it my impression?

noromuwa July 2, 2020 8:20 pm

is everything happening too fast or is it my impression?

    Phil July 2, 2020 8:33 pm

    no no no no, everything's happened too fast. the cruel man accepting her easily and suddenly fall in love with her without problem, the girl just went to the palace without fear when knowing the majesty's behaviour from the novel and ya so many strange things but i keep reading it hahahaha

    Starsandmetaphors July 2, 2020 8:47 pm

    Yes!! I've been feeling the same way. The pacing is sooo weird. We jump from one scene to the next without any smooth build up. Even the fact that he likes her is so weird, like when and how did all of this happen? She put him to sleep and suddenly he's like ''stay in my arms'' ''i don't want you to go'' like calm down dog, I know you want to sleep but you're acting like a love struck guy and it's barely been two days. Like when did her dad collapse? Wasn't her brother kind of shady with the 'i saw the servants hurting her but didn't do anything cause i wanted her to handle it herself but now i care so much about her that i don't want her to be with the duke'. There are so many example too.

    Amaya July 2, 2020 10:01 pm

    Nope, it is but the story would have ended sooner if it continued the normal storyline. It seems as though the Duke falling I'll was much later on but it occurred now. Which is something the MC couldn't change.