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Kira June 30, 2020 9:17 pm

Jonghyuk is a regressor not returner dammit that really annoyed me ... oh well did the scanlation group change ??? Why though?

    Hare June 30, 2020 9:32 pm

    The difference between a regressor and a returner is too great, people might get confused later on when returners are involved smh i hope they fix that

    pikapika June 30, 2020 9:36 pm

    What is the difference? English is not my native language so I can't really see that much of a difference... Could you explain please?

    Copellion June 30, 2020 10:35 pm
    What is the difference? English is not my native language so I can't really see that much of a difference... Could you explain please? pikapika

    Regressor is someone who rewinds time back to the beginning after dying/failing.
    Returner is basically someone who gets sent to another world but they manage to make it back to their own world.

    pikapika June 30, 2020 11:14 pm

    I understand now, thank you very much ^^

    Chocoffee July 1, 2020 2:42 am

    Nope, the translators haven't changed. There are 2 groups that are translating this as far as i know. Reaper scans and zero scans. I prefer reaper scans coz they translate it closer to the novel. Zero scans translations make me cringe coz i already read the novel, so i can see when their translations are not the same as the novel. The thought of manhwa readers getting the wrong idea/story is making me cringe.

    Kira July 1, 2020 10:32 am
    Nope, the translators haven't changed. There are 2 groups that are translating this as far as i know. Reaper scans and zero scans. I prefer reaper scans coz they translate it closer to the novel. Zero scans tra... Chocoffee

    Yeah true .. its really irritating when you know the novel and the right terms .. and they change really important information.