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PetitFae June 30, 2020 5:16 am

100% of the whole cousin incest would be the exact same if they were just childhood friends. There is really no reason to make them related. It's not relevant to the story at all. It does nothing for the plot and I feel like it's tacked on to be taboo, which is fucking stupid. That being said, this was an okay manga.
The whole thing with the mom could have been explored in more depth. Do you realize how few BL manga actually deal with parents coming to terms with the fact that their son is gay/bi? I can name them on one hand. This really didn't go anywhere with it.
Like most BL manga, it is too short. Give this manga five volumes to be able to go over in depth the issues it glossed over like the mother's emotional neglect, the pressure to be straight, etc.
It felt like important conversations were not being had. I already know that Japanese people like dancing around issues like they're a fire. It's "rude" to be direct. Beating around the bush is not a way to solve an issue. You are not going to be able to handle things be being polite and that's why there are so many deep-rooted issues in Japan. I digress.op
Like I said this was so overly condensed, I don't know what I was expecting. It was going somewhere and then it ended before it could be resolved.
Plus the issue with the girlfriends was not resolved in my opinion. Chihiro was seen being intimate with a girl that we are told later is his girlfriend--was, they broke up. What the hell?! She wasn't even in the manga for that long. Why did the mangaka go out of their way to show Chihiro sleeping with a girl who is not even going to be relevant later on. Just say she was a fuck buddy and call it a day. We don't see Shuto break up with his girlfriend either. Like I said before, no one is having the conversations that that they need to be having in this manga. So a lot is left up to interpretation.
If this manga is any indication of Japanese people, than it is so fucking annoying. Stop being so damn vague and get to the point. It's like everyone has agreed that they going to just never answer the important questions and are just going to pretend not to notice.
I'm so tired of fucking BL pretending that "making someone gay" is a thing!!
Straight men fuck other men and they never claim to be gay or bi. That doesn't happen. Yes, there are straight men that do that. You can look it up. Being gay is not a disease. You don't catch it.
Also it was weird in the beginning that Shuto's mom would even be going in his room while he was sleeping to begin with. Like give him so fucking privacy. It was such a stupid thing to cry over. The only thing that was wrong was the fact that Shuto was kissing Chihiro was, to his knowledge, asleep and he could not consent. That's the only problem...well that and that he was jerking off over him. Kinda, 100% creepy. If I was his parent I would've called him out for that, but I don't give shit if my kid is gay. I'm also queer so there's that. Anywho, this manga was just okay. It could have been great had it had enough time to flesh out all of the issues that were presented and if there was more character development. I'm not given enough time to give a shit about any of the characters.
