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I need help finding a yaoi

Dadu June 29, 2020 11:51 pm

Ive read it in my first account, MANY MONTHS AGO.
And dont remember if i saved it or not.
Its about a guy who time travelled back to the past, so that he can act cold towards his future lover, so that they wouldnt be a thing in the near future.

plss help me find it. And
Just incase, imma be putting some parts of the story that i completely remember.

I remember that the reason the time traveller guy did that was because, that his lover was actually fricking a guy behind his back, the yaoi was supernatural cause the lover was fricking some sort of half demon, that somehow made the guy who time travelled see what was happening behind his back.
At first the guy tried killing himself, but it failed cause his "lover" caught up to him in time, then when he was at the hospital, he jumped down the building, but missed directly going in the floor cause he hit the sign instead, and only broke his bones.
I also forgot to add that the time traveller guy and the lover was living in the countryside for the mean time with the lover's parents and relatives, for vacation.
The grandmama (the kindest one on the manga) ended up talking to the time traveller guy, telling him stuff about love, blah blah blah, and even gave him the ring that her husband's dad,grandpa,great grandpa gave to the person they love, and put it in his ring finger. Even telling him to take care of his idiot grandson and live a happy life.
The time traveller guy ended up crying and stuff.
The lover was asked by his relatives and parents on why the time traveller suddenly was acting that way he kept lying and lying, saying that maybe the time traveller had some sort of mental illness.
Flashback to 3 months the time traveller guy is healing, the lover tried his best to make him happy, but he couldnt.
The time traveller guy finally manages to kill himself, but not right after he slid the ring back to grandmama while sleeping.
His life faded away and the PROLOGUE ENDS.

The time traveller guy finally time travelled, to the first time he and his now future lover was gonna meet, in their first meeting, two of them we're actually in trouble back then and was at risk of dying.
But if it werent for the time traveller guy that ended up doing something to stun the criminals? Monsters? I forgot.

But this time, instead of just stunning them, he ended up completely obliberating them out of happiness and joy.
So he ended up being a bit psychopathic.
He still saved his future lover, but no longer paid no mind to him after that.

In the past that the time traveller has left behind
(His original timeline)
Ended up getting deteriorated.
His body from that timeline obviously wouldnt wake up and the lover was panicking and crying.

The lover's lover (aka the one he's cheating with) came to him and pointed out that his face looked funny.
Cause not only was he crying, his face was turning into complete nothing, as if an eraser had erased something from the past for him to completely not be relevant to this part of the time line.

The only one who could see this was his demon lover and him, no one else, not even grandmama and his relatives or the whole world does.

Chapter ends with the demon guy doing the same exact thing he did for him to be able to see whats happening in the past and what events have changed
(They spied on the time traveller guy and the timeline he is on)

Chapter 3 starts
After getting out of trouble the time traveller and his now "ex-future lover" actually sat on a roof to rest, cause there were more people? Monsters? Chasing them.

After talking for a while which mostly consists of the time traveller saying "okay""no" "maybe"
He sat up and decided to go home.

Which in the past, where he and that guy was suppsoed to end up, didnt go.

Due to this sinple movement
His original timeline was finally crumbling down.

Then we go to the pov of the lover
And he kept banging on the thing that is able to make him see what's happening from there.
His existence faded away more and more and he kept crying and saying sorry and stuff.

The happy memories came back to him, memories he didnt wanna lose that mostly consists of the time traveller, till the moment he faded away, alongside everything else.

Chapter 4 starts.
And the lover from the timeline the time traveller is on suddenly started crying out of nowhere.

This revealed the reason as to why the both of them was getting chased down.
Turns out it was the demon guy the ex-future lover was fricking that ordered those things to kill him.
But after time traveller boy saved him he changed his mind and got jealous, and went after the ex-future love again.

I forgot what chapter 5 and 6 was about but for sure it had something to do with the time traveller and some other person?idk i forgot ╥﹏╥

    Dadu June 30, 2020 12:37 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! crispy

    I think ive seen a bit of kanji from it, but then again, idk if its actually kanji or nah