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well I liked the story overall but I was a little disappointed when the whole manga was ba...

fenni August 25, 2014 4:29 pm

well I liked the story overall but I was a little disappointed when the whole manga was basically about sendou and touma.....don't get me wrong I realy liked the ups and down of their relationship and how it made them stronger......but for me what I realy was waiting for the most was seeing hotta and akiyoshi's romance bloom. I mean we didn't even see them get intimate and Christ sakes it was 8 volumes. well hopefully their will get there limelight soon. xxx

    Usako August 25, 2014 5:37 pm

    I would have liked seeing Hotta being done too! Too bad the next volumes seem to deal with Kenzaki finding a lover. Love the extras the most though! Sendou and his brother are suck . . . I mean SUCH hotties!
