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Well.... kind of a weird development, ngl, but it won't exactly make me drop the webtoon a...

bibachoro-ok June 29, 2020 12:27 pm

Well.... kind of a weird development, ngl, but it won't exactly make me drop the webtoon at this point.

Everything's been said already but I've also sort of managed to rationalize how this could happen even though she looks similar to Eugene's actual sister. Basically, she doesn't look like she did as a kid anymore - I mean she might to us, bc we have to still recognize her as the same character, but realistically, an adult looks very different from their child self. And Eugene never got to see his sister grow up, so even if child Hari was similar to the sister (ngl I've forgotten her name), grown-up Hari is similar to nobody.
Even if Eugene remembers that they once looked similar, they haven't seen each other in so long that his mental image of Little Sister Hari never got to naturally evolve into Young Lady Hari, those are two separate images in his mind rn. Hence why he didn't recognize her until her name was called.
(And yeah, it's obviously also relevant that they only had a brief time together in late childhood/teenagehood to begin with, it's not like there's any powerful familial feelings to overlook in the first place.)

That's how I think it's supposed to make sense in this story anyway.
