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What a short chapter, well, at least Khara is not in danger

Yunasu June 27, 2020 1:24 am

What a short chapter, well, at least Khara is not in danger

    kim July 1, 2020 6:19 am

    Since Ichika's the only one who can use the sword she should've brought with her. Than again she might've killed that creepy vamp!

    Yunasu July 1, 2020 8:29 am
    Since Ichika's the only one who can use the sword she should've brought with her. Than again she might've killed that creepy vamp! kim

    Hahaha he's creepy but not an enemy, at least

    kim July 1, 2020 12:47 pm
    Hahaha he's creepy but not an enemy, at least Yunasu

    nyaha... to Ichika he's an enemy lol that was some colorful language she was using.

    Yunasu July 1, 2020 5:11 pm

    Oh I see, Aria is such a people magnet huh? poor Ichika

    kim July 1, 2020 8:06 pm
    Oh I see, Aria is such a people magnet huh? poor Ichika Yunasu

    No shit guys girls vampires anyone that looks at Aria makes her eyes bug out.Lmao