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People need to stop equating a not-fully-happy ending with that the story is bad. It's pre...

2seung June 26, 2020 8:35 am

People need to stop equating a not-fully-happy ending with that the story is bad. It's precisely because the author didn't decide to entertain and make you guys go away with "aww" for the sake of you guys being pleased that makes it clear the author values quality. It's a shame the readers here can't appreciate that non-happy endings do not necessarily mean a story is bad. This story was great, yes there were plot holes, yes I felt like it could have been shorter, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with the ending. Hana was not going to randomly have a threesome with Jiyeon and Jiho. Nor was Jiyeon going to randomly fall in love and solve all her problems when she tried to commit suicide out of her love for Hana.
