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I hated Sungchan

Super Anime Fan August 16, 2014 3:32 am

The guy was such utter scum. He comes into their lives and more or less tears them apart and interferes in their lives because he feels that the sister stole his brothers life because she got his heart after he died. He lies and deceives them, and ultimately he is the one that drove both siblings to death. I'm not supporting the siblings relationship, but it Sungchan was the one that ruined their lives because he had the hots for his own brother.

    marry August 16, 2014 5:41 am

    so i wasn't they only one that felt that way. i thought that i was being too harsh in thinking that because i am for the sibling being together.

    TSBR August 21, 2015 7:19 am

    their relationship was unhealthy. and the brother treated her like crap in front of others. yeah, when he came a lot changed but he opened her heart to others. she doesn't only care about her brother now, she loved sungchan and sungchan loves her despite the reason why he first came. Also the reason why the twins die is because of the brother. The brother tried to murder sungchan, knowing that the sister loved him, then kept her away from him. she died for her love of him. and the brother died because he loved his sister. The sister loved both Sungchan and her brother but she was inlove with sungchan