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I ship her with 3 people only 1) the black bluish boy 2) the red boy 3) the blonde boy So...

Galaxy June 22, 2020 8:38 pm

I ship her with 3 people only
1) the black bluish boy
2) the red boy
3) the blonde boy
Sorry I don't remember their names that well

    Shortchescak June 22, 2020 10:03 pm

    1. Chunyoung
    2. Eun-hyung
    3. Ju-in

    Galaxy June 22, 2020 10:27 pm
    1. Chunyoung2. Eun-hyung3. Ju-in Shortchescak

    Thank you!

    L.Bergljot June 22, 2020 10:47 pm
    1. Chunyoung2. Eun-hyung3. Ju-in Shortchescak

    If you're talking about the blonde boy with blue eyes his name is Ru-da I believe, not Ju-in. Ju-in is the one with brown hair that calls Dan-I mom.

    Riaya June 22, 2020 11:12 pm
    1. Chunyoung2. Eun-hyung3. Ju-in Shortchescak

    Pretty sure they were talking about Ru-Da too not Ju-in