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AnimeFujoshi June 22, 2020 7:58 am

I didn't read this in a while so I find it with 102 chapters so I'm like okay let's look at chapter one first I quickly remember skip to 102 to see the progress and I'm have to go back to 99 I read the three chapters and I'm like wtf is going on she's acting all cutesy with ex husband and married Blondie if you want him off your case act burtaly with words and cut all ties and you go back to you husband and ask for another Mana forgiveness? What do you expect. I pity her a bit but then I realize she mainly at fault Blondie just acting off of pain and her ex-husband she know not to mess with a married woman what's wrong with him? Then the poor child do anybody in all of this recognize the poor bun. This plot is everywhere if she still had feelings for anyone else she should never got married and clear it up quickly and again the ex-husband is a shameless mf #-.-) ヽ(`Д´)ノ
