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A few things should be mentioned.. <3

S.swooshii June 30, 2020 12:08 pm

I don't really like how she's not giving her subs/Puppies any aftercare. It's important and influences the peoples trust in one another. BDSM is all about trust, this includes a safe-word regardless of the situation or relationship you're in. Both/all partners should be able to step back during a play when they can't do something and need support.

As a sub in a BDSM relationship both of the things mentioned above help me feel safe with my partner during a play, even after using the safe-word. A Dom has to make sure their sub is okay, as well as the other way around!! ..Aftercare is also really nice. I like it a lot and enjoy being cared for when I've done well.

No hate to the Manhwa of course, I like it very much!! I understand the situation they are all in.. Just felt like the dom should care more for her subs. The way she acts depicts BDSM in the way the people she was outed to perceived it, wrong and disgusting.. There's definitely more to it than just ropes, whips and other fun toys.

Some scenes really did give me a thrill though! I'm exited to see where this goes :)
