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Am I the only person who doesn’t mind the age gap

Wolf Melody June 20, 2020 9:56 am

Am I the only person who doesn’t mind the age gap

    Celebrate_love August 1, 2020 5:34 pm

    I don't mind it either. In Japan legal age to give consent for sex is 13. Also, I am sure both parties are mature enough to decide what they want to do. Love doesn't necessarily lead to sex. Even if it did, here both are lawfully free to exercise their libido right. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    kiriyaaoi September 22, 2020 1:51 am
    I don't mind it either. In Japan legal age to give consent for sex is 13. Also, I am sure both parties are mature enough to decide what they want to do. Love doesn't necessarily lead to sex. Even if it did, her... Celebrate_love

    actually it's been set to minimum 18 in every prefecture, afaik 13 is the national limit but all of the prefectures set their own age of consent and they're pretty much all 18

    Celebrate_love September 29, 2020 5:38 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! smuttymcsmuttyson

    I didn't mean to come across as anything that you described. Can't say I am not hurt that you assumed I am gross and pedophile. I said, 'Love does not necessarily lead to sex'. I don't mind the age gap because I know that they are not looking for sex. They are looking for companionship. And the second half of my reply was about legality of the age gap in such a relationship. It was an objective observation independent of the discussion of the characters. And then I mentioned MY OPINION that these two have displayed enough majority to take their own decisions. Perhaps the way I structured my answer might have mislead you but please be mindful of what accusations you hurl at others.