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wasted potential ngl

I put the I in dissapointment June 18, 2020 10:23 am

I thought this would be amazing with it's premise of the sexless thing but it honestly fucked up the moment both the girl and boy said "Become a girl/boy for me!''

Also the fact that they sometimes use "He/She" for Hinase when they're genderless, Using Them/Their/They're isn't that hard.

The confession felt rushed, I dislike how the boy is so pushy on making Hinase agree on becoming a girl, but both the girl and the boy regretted it? Their motivation says other wise, "I won't stop trying to make her a girl" is just so selfish. I don't wanna know anymore, i'm not rooting for either of them, because I'm dropping this, feel free to let me know when this gets good, and maybe then i'll reread it.
