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So like...

Jodes711 June 18, 2020 8:47 am

I feel like its abit corny. I mean it's a nice thought but its unrealistic, dating 5 freaking years even live together and never have sex? Sex is the ultimate expression of love how can u not?

    hataki June 18, 2020 4:29 pm

    like, even if not sex, god, some foreplay should be going on.

    mots May 10, 2021 11:23 am

    hmm i dont agree with you on the "sex is the ultimate expression of love"people can have sex without feeling any love just for the pleasure and also assexual people exists

    Jodes711 May 10, 2021 11:56 am
    hmm i dont agree with you on the "sex is the ultimate expression of love"people can have sex without feeling any love just for the pleasure and also assexual people exists mots

    Well yeah ok with asexual people... but in this story they have love for each other. People do indeed have sex without love...which is always animalistic and never as good as is with love.