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Okay. Their sex scene was literally glorified rape.

dokyo June 18, 2020 2:48 am

Okay. Their sex scene was literally glorified rape.

    raindragon June 19, 2020 10:16 pm
    See a fucking doctor. This was rape : yes or no. Yes it was. End of story. Leviathan

    This coming from someone who chose to name themselves Leviathan. It's the level of insult being slung around that causes me to not take your ass seriously. It's like trying to talk reasonably with wolves and bears in the wilderness

    raindragon June 19, 2020 10:27 pm
    YIKES. you do know most ppl that have been r*ped or sexually assaulted have life trauma?? just because you havent experienced it does NOT give you the right to invalidate actual victim's feelings. once again, j... ta mere

    Okay, they have lifelong trauma, what's to be done about it? Whether or not I invalidate their pain is irrelevant. I will say, however, that if a whole society invalidates them, that has to be addressed.
    But tell me, how is it to be addressed? Putting rapists in jail isn't going to do much to help someone get over their trauma. That's like saying, because we killed the enemy, we don't have traumatized soldiers.
    In this manga situation, it would be stupid to think we could punish the seme. That's never going to happen, and clutching our pearls isn't going to work either. lol. Making it into a legal issue of crime and punishment doesn't restore the victim to their previous state, so what's to be done?
    Okay, there are some women I hate. LOL There's some real jackass men, too. Don't get me started.

    AKIRA June 20, 2020 12:10 am
    in your book there's various kinds of rape? I never heard of "glorified rape." haha. Anyway, this was not rape. Rape is a crime. No crime was committed. It was both of their first time. If you think the m... raindragon

    oh my goodness. The ignorance of this comment is astonishing. Man he was drunk. This seme forced his dick up the uke's ass and the uke wakes up having no recollection of it. How is this right? Rape is non consensual sex. The uke did not give his consent because he was not in the right frame of mind. This is the sick trope of yaoi "youre saying no but your body is saying yes" Like bitch no stfu. No means no. You dont want to see the uke as a victim thats fine whatever but this was rape no point arguing over a fact.

    raindragon June 20, 2020 3:32 am
    oh my goodness. The ignorance of this comment is astonishing. Man he was drunk. This seme forced his dick up the uke's ass and the uke wakes up having no recollection of it. How is this right? Rape is non conse... AKIRA

    oh I know. Ain't it awful all this astonishing ignorance!
    - yeah, I didn't buy the memory loss crap, and if you say stop while you're cumminng, that's not the kind of stop that means stop.
    -If you're cumming from the top giving you all kinds of attention on both your dick and ass long enough that you're ready to do it, then you've got yourself a pretty good, considerate seme, and if this seme says preparatory stuff to you like "you started this," and "I'm putting it in," and you stay in position with your ass up, waiting for it, you consented.
    This was totally consensual.
    The dream stuff - you can say you're you're in fairy land, that doesn't mean the seme should stop. That would usually mean go.
    With these stories, if you're old enough to read them, then you're supposed to know how to sort things into priorities. The uke didn't drink enough to black out. That's stupid. One sweet drink in a martini glass, and one sip of a tequila drink that you spit out won't be enough to make an adult black out. no way in hell. never. not gonna happen.
    Plus, the bottom was totally lucid during their sex.
    There's also this: someone who had enough alcohol to be in a blackout is not going to be able to get hard let alone cum.
    Sometimes it's essential to your enjoyment of the story to be able to sort out what's real and what's silly enough to discard. You also need to make room for asian women writers who don't know jack about anal sex except what they read.
    You decided that to discard the "sick trope," but if that's part of the story, you need to give it the same weight you're giving the rape bit.
    All you guys have is a bunch of rules someone made up and told to you. You shouldn't take people's word for it so much that you're insisting that these rules are universal truth. The shit you believe in and call text book - you've been duped. It's worth considering that adopting a more open mind could benefit you

    OrbitKoi June 20, 2020 3:52 am
    I think you know that I never said that rape is not a horrible crime. It has to be a horrible crime in order for me to consider it rape. raindragon

    you can make up your own definitions as you wish.. even if you're wrong

    OrbitKoi June 20, 2020 3:53 am
    come on. Unless you tell someone and only keep it to yourself for the rest of your life, it's not even worth discussing.The exception is, of course, is if the person is afraid or intimidated. Even so, if the ... raindragon

    there was no word for it. . you literally saw Jooin get raped.. we all did

    raindragon June 20, 2020 3:56 am
    I really think you just didn't read or interpret my comment correctly so I won't bother trying to educate you. You can't just consider something as rape or something else as not rape when it fits your narrative... OrbitKoi

    propaganda - militant feminist rhetoric (usually in written form) that is everywhere today, made up by people a little to the left of antifa for chrissakes, and sold to impressionable young women who are going to have an almost impossible time of having good - or any kind of - sex due to their heads being stuffed full of rules that have to be followed to the letter by young men who don't understand what the hell is going on with women in general let alone you guys. (wow sorry for the long sentence) Sex is probably life's greatest pleasure, and there's no such thing as a set of infallible rules. Sex has to be discovered by each individual human body. It's too bad you're going to miss out on it.

    AKIRA June 20, 2020 4:47 am
    oh I know. Ain't it awful all this astonishing ignorance!- yeah, I didn't buy the memory loss crap, and if you say stop while you're cumminng, that's not the kind of stop that means stop. -If you're cumming f... raindragon

    See this hit too close to home. The body is obviously going to react as the uke even liked the seme so it is obvious he's going to feel good. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine by the time we found her it was a bit too late. She was completely naked and was puking her guts out. It was really late at night I took her to the hospital she was passed out and only woke up in the morning not remembering a single thing. She had feelings for that guy and would not believe when I told her about the things that happened with her. There was no case for the police to take and since we are university students they just told us to forget about it as the victim does not remember anything anyway. We werent planning on reporting anything in the first place since no one has money for lawyers. But being told that... It was a horrible time for both of us. I did not know how to comfort her and the guy just vanished and blocked her on all social media. She did not consent to it but the guy thought she was responding and she probably was but does that make it right? I know this may mean jack shit to you but for me that was the reason this particular scene left a bitter taste.

    raindragon June 20, 2020 5:11 am
    See this hit too close to home. The body is obviously going to react as the uke even liked the seme so it is obvious he's going to feel good. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine by the time we found he... AKIRA

    I believe you. I think you and your friend's case is different than the uke's in the story. It might surprise you to know that I think you did experience something very bad. I felt bad reading it and sort of sick. I think that if you did actually press the matter, you would have a case, and you don't need a lawyer at all. The cops shouldn't have told you to forget it. The police usually have a victim's advocate who has an office at police headquarters. You might want to call and go see them. If for no other reason to tell someone with ears to hear you.
    If your friend doesn't remember anything, I doubt if there was any good feelings, and I think the guy is a criminal for what he did

    raindragon June 20, 2020 5:24 am
    propaganda - militant feminist rhetoric (usually in written form) that is everywhere today, made up by people a little to the left of antifa for chrissakes, and sold to impressionable young women who are going ... raindragon

    I need to qualify this. when I say feminist, I don't mean the people who are dedicated advocates for women's rights, especially the ones who have for years been fighting for these rights, who have made sacrifices and held onto their principles. I'm talking about something else. There are some people don't have good intentions, and they're pretty scary. I can't go deeply into it, but I don't want to give the impression that I'm against feminists.

    AKIRA June 20, 2020 5:46 am
    I believe you. I think you and your friend's case is different than the uke's in the story. It might surprise you to know that I think you did experience something very bad. I felt bad reading it and sort of... raindragon

    Thanks.. yeah while we are at the hospital they did ask my friend to do the SANE test but they gave us a condition that we have to make a case and the result will only be given to us after a year. We had a detective with us on the case and I was the one who called the police..two of my other friends were present as well and we all gave our testimonies, there was cctv footage of him entering and exiting the complex as well. But it all fell flat when my friend could not remember anything. The SANE test is very intrusive and the nurses advised us that even if we do we wont be able to procure the test result and they will be held in court...There was a lot we wanted to do..but we are all dumb teenagers who are living far away from home. So no parental guidance either. My friend was too shocked and nervous and we just ended up dropping the whole thing. It was too much for me to handle as well since I had no clue what to do... Because each question I asked the authorities would only give me roundabout answers that subtly told me to drop it.

    dokyo June 20, 2020 7:12 am
    I think you know that I never said that rape is not a horrible crime. It has to be a horrible crime in order for me to consider it rape. raindragon

    Yikes girl. Just yikes. Big yikes.

    raindragon June 20, 2020 4:00 pm
    Thanks.. yeah while we are at the hospital they did ask my friend to do the SANE test but they gave us a condition that we have to make a case and the result will only be given to us after a year. We had a dete... AKIRA

    well, now and for the rest of your life no one is ever going to convince you that you don't know how to be a good friend. Because of you, the people who read this comment get the benefit of your story, and that the difference between a real life story and a fictional story is vast, that credit is yours alone. Also, to you for being brave enough to write this down and tell it. Also, you still, even after such an ordeal, have the brass balls to stand up to a bastard like me and say, look, this is what's what. You're not cowering in a corner. You're still seeking solutions. The adults should have sent you to a counselor, or if they did give you a name, they didn't tell you in a way that you could hear it at the time. That's on them.
    -For people who were living for quite a long period of time in a state of shock, it sounds to me like you did amazingly well despite the disorientation. You never had enough information to make the decisions that the adults were requiring you to make. It's terrible, really. You did everything right and people were making you feel like you were doing everything wrong, partly so they could deal with you with as little trouble to themselves as possible, that your efforts to make things right fell on deaf ears, that just because the victim didn't remember, her trauma wasn't real, and that the perpetrator got away with a happy state of no consequences. Even if they're right in advising you not to pursue it, they should have paid you the respect of telling you all these things.
    Even now, if you went to just about any therapist, they could help both you and your friend, even if you have to drag her there. This kind of ordeal that happened to you and your friend takes a long time to get through, and the system fails to show people that the three years or so of counseling is as important as getting the rape kit.
    You put the fear of god into this perpetrator no matter how he appears on the outside. That's something. I bet he never dares mess with anyone else again, and will probably warn off anyone around him not to. Who else but you could have telegraphed this message to him?

    raindragon June 20, 2020 4:04 pm
    you can make up your own definitions as you wish.. even if you're wrong OrbitKoi

    thank you. I didn't actually need you to tell me this, but thanks just the same.

    Leviathan June 21, 2020 12:44 am
    This coming from someone who chose to name themselves Leviathan. It's the level of insult being slung around that causes me to not take your ass seriously. It's like trying to talk reasonably with wolves and ... raindragon

    Oh stfu u turd. u don't even know the reason for a username for reading manga. See a doctor and do fellow humans a favor.

    Leviathan June 21, 2020 12:50 am
    This coming from someone who chose to name themselves Leviathan. It's the level of insult being slung around that causes me to not take your ass seriously. It's like trying to talk reasonably with wolves and ... raindragon

    Also don't start talking about wolves and bears in the wilderness when you are defending rape and writing Ben Shapiro level retarded essays about it lol. Sit the fuck down child.

    raindragon June 21, 2020 2:51 am
    Also don't start talking about wolves and bears in the wilderness when you are defending rape and writing Ben Shapiro level retarded essays about it lol. Sit the fuck down child. Leviathan

    That's all you've got? Fling a few insults then run back to your safe space?

    Leviathan June 21, 2020 3:55 am
    That's all you've got? Fling a few insults then run back to your safe space? raindragon

    Still defending rape? Haven't seen your therapist yet? Talking about safe space and writing shit essays on mangago? Yeah thought so. Keep it going keyboard warrior (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ