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Okay. Their sex scene was literally glorified rape.

dokyo June 18, 2020 2:48 am

Okay. Their sex scene was literally glorified rape.

    Bachirabfs June 18, 2020 4:06 am


    raindragon June 18, 2020 6:13 am

    in your book there's various kinds of rape? I never heard of "glorified rape." haha. Anyway, this was not rape. Rape is a crime. No crime was committed. It was both of their first time. If you think the misunderstandings in this story equal rape, just wait till you get out in the real world where misunderstanding during first-time sex abound. They are both adults. There's no innocent victim and big bad villain. That's over-dramatizing to the point of absurdity

    dokyo June 18, 2020 6:46 am
    in your book there's various kinds of rape? I never heard of "glorified rape." haha. Anyway, this was not rape. Rape is a crime. No crime was committed. It was both of their first time. If you think the m... raindragon

    I meant the way it was portrayed was glorified as rape should be not. It obviously worked to you since you’ve become so bewitched by it. I can’t believe I’m about to explain rape to someone but here we go. The guy was drunk (obviously a lightweight as he had said so before) and the guy took advantage of the situation and had sex with him and the bottom thought it was a dream. When he wakes up later, he has no recollection of the act. Textbook definition of rape. I know it’s a comic and it’s not that deep but the romanticism of it from young girls is something that is very dangerous.

    raindragon June 18, 2020 7:41 am
    I meant the way it was portrayed was glorified as rape should be not. It obviously worked to you since you’ve become so bewitched by it. I can’t believe I’m about to explain rape to someone but here we go... dokyo

    no need to define rape. I just disagree. I also say that producing sanitized content that isn't a danger to young girls is not an artist's job. It seems that today everything is a danger to young girls. There's a rapist waiting around every corner in your broadened-out "text book definition of rape."
    Vilifying every young man who is a stupid little ignorant sexist makes the entire male world into a danger that no woman should ever go near. That's stupid. You can't hold men or women responsible for knowing what someone else is thinking, feeling, or drinking. I mean, you can, but what does the world look like when you're done criminalizing every man's actions except Gandhi?

    Sessherin June 18, 2020 8:32 am

    Yes I also agree and the sex scenes it's seem no feeling

    OrbitKoi June 18, 2020 2:32 pm
    in your book there's various kinds of rape? I never heard of "glorified rape." haha. Anyway, this was not rape. Rape is a crime. No crime was committed. It was both of their first time. If you think the m... raindragon

    Just because it was both of their first times does not mean it was not rape. rape is nonconsensual sex. And as you can see, Jooin did not give consent. He was drunk. Sure the Seme is the male lead or whatnot and you like him,but it doesnt excuse what he did. He raped Jooin. No ifs ands or buts. If a guy slept with you and you had no knowledge of it, you would feel violated, wouldnt you? Even if he was attractive or ugly it's still rape. I hope you come to realize what you said was wrong one day..

    raindragon June 18, 2020 6:44 pm
    Just because it was both of their first times does not mean it was not rape. rape is nonconsensual sex. And as you can see, Jooin did not give consent. He was drunk. Sure the Seme is the male lead or whatnot an... OrbitKoi

    What good does it do you or anyone to call this situation rape? People in our society are raised on a steady diet of "rape is a horrible crime," and then a bunch of women come along and start calling just about every insensitive, unkind, or abusive behavior rape, serving to terrify men and make them spend their lives walking on eggshells around every woman they meet.
    You can't prove, press charges, or call in the cops in a situation like this one, so you can call it rape all you want, but it still doesn't cause any beneficial change to society. Instead of teaching people how to have sex, we teach them how not to. Women seem to be convinced that it's all the man's fault. Is that actually true? I think not.
    Talking about sex is stimulating, which scares everyone half to death. jesus. So you train people by terrorizing them on how not to have sex, and let them feel their way by trial and error to find out the rest. It accomplishes nothing to label and criminalize every young man as a rapist who does something stupid, insensitive, and lacking in self-control.

    OrbitKoi June 18, 2020 7:37 pm
    What good does it do you or anyone to call this situation rape? People in our society are raised on a steady diet of "rape is a horrible crime," and then a bunch of women come along and start calling just abou... raindragon

    Sis did you even TEAD MY COMMENT?! I dont give a fuck about men. First of all. And second off all the fact of the matter is that rape is rape. Yes theres no proof in this situation,but it's what occurred. and Jooin will probably never know about it unless hes told about it. I dont know why you're fighting me on this FACT. Theres a difference between rape and sexual assault. And idk where you live but men have always had the high ground. From personal experience they DO NOT walk on fucking eggshells. Its 2020, being aware of rape is not BEING SENSITIVE. PEOPLE LIKE YOU are the reason women are too scared to come out about traumatic experiences. And yes OF COURSE there are liars, but the fact is that more often then not these cases are IGNORED. recently over 1700 RAPE KIT TESTS were found untested after they were used. Mysogeny is a disease GET WELL SOON. Guys lie and girls lie about shit all the time but MORE OFTEN THAN NOT they are telling the TRUTH.

    raindragon June 18, 2020 8:06 pm
    Sis did you even TEAD MY COMMENT?! I dont give a fuck about men. First of all. And second off all the fact of the matter is that rape is rape. Yes theres no proof in this situation,but it's what occurred. and J... OrbitKoi

    yes, I read it. I don't agree that this was rape. Rape is not rape, and calling me a misogynist doesn't phase me anymore. These labels you give people to get them to shut up don't work on me. This top needed to be taught about sensitivity, being aware of your partner, and how to do it, something no one ever talks about. You think you're right because so many people are all parroting the exact same propaganda as you, word for word, like broken records. Don't you get tired of sounding like a self-help tape recording?
    I never said people lied about sexual assault. you did. When I see something I'd call rape, I'll say so. I don't think so in this case.

    This stuff about being afraid to come out, mmmm I don't think that's the case as much as it once was, but if they are afraid maybe it's because when they do, people don't react the way they expect them to. You seem to believe that everything will be all right if the victim just tells another woman. I don't see how that can be true. One thing I know for sure is that Jooin will not sustain permanent damage from his encounter. It won't scar him for life, and it won't prevent him from having great sex in the future, so call it rape if you like. I wouldn't want to deny you anything that would cloud your joy in life. God knows

    on a side note: I can't believe that spell check says "all right" is incorrect.

    raindragon June 18, 2020 9:22 pm
    Sis did you even TEAD MY COMMENT?! I dont give a fuck about men. First of all. And second off all the fact of the matter is that rape is rape. Yes theres no proof in this situation,but it's what occurred. and J... OrbitKoi

    about what you said, "Yes theres no proof in this situation." Couldn't they just read the manhwa?

    OrbitKoi June 19, 2020 12:08 pm
    yes, I read it. I don't agree that this was rape. Rape is not rape, and calling me a misogynist doesn't phase me anymore. These labels you give people to get them to shut up don't work on me. This top neede... raindragon

    I really think you just didn't read or interpret my comment correctly so I won't bother trying to educate you. You can't just consider something as rape or something else as not rape when it fits your narrative. I don't know what you mean by propaganda. If rape is nonconsensual sex.. and there was no consensual sex.. it was rape. It's really not hard to grasp. You just said rape is not rape.. do you hear yourself? In this situation, there wasn't even any condoms used. Imagine if the uke was a girl and she ended up getting pregnant.. is that not bad??? it's rape, plain and simple. Of course you can still love the Manhwa as much s you want.. it doesn't change the plot considering the fact that it's already happened.. but if you reread the scene.. even while intoxicated Jooin says no. If I were to offer you something, and you said no, shouldn't I stop? If rape is not rape.. what do you call it when someone has sex with you against your will? I want to know.

    OrbitKoi June 19, 2020 12:10 pm
    yes, I read it. I don't agree that this was rape. Rape is not rape, and calling me a misogynist doesn't phase me anymore. These labels you give people to get them to shut up don't work on me. This top neede... raindragon

    And in the contrary.. idk how you came to the conclusion that I said things would be okay if a womam told her struggles to someone. Most of the time these things are dismissed because there's no proof. But then you're saying to use the Manhwa as proof? They're in the Manhwa what the fuck are you on?

    OrbitKoi June 19, 2020 12:14 pm
    about what you said, "Yes theres no proof in this situation." Couldn't they just read the manhwa? raindragon

    And by you believing rape isn't a horrible crime, you're invalidating those who have actually experienced it and didn't get justice. Educate yourself please.. nothing is more dangerous to a society than a person who is uneducated.

    Leviathan June 19, 2020 3:41 pm
    about what you said, "Yes theres no proof in this situation." Couldn't they just read the manhwa? raindragon

    See a fucking doctor. This was rape : yes or no. Yes it was. End of story.

    ta mere June 19, 2020 7:54 pm
    in your book there's various kinds of rape? I never heard of "glorified rape." haha. Anyway, this was not rape. Rape is a crime. No crime was committed. It was both of their first time. If you think the m... raindragon

    what... he was clearly drunk, and that dude took advantage of it??

    ta mere June 19, 2020 7:59 pm
    yes, I read it. I don't agree that this was rape. Rape is not rape, and calling me a misogynist doesn't phase me anymore. These labels you give people to get them to shut up don't work on me. This top neede... raindragon

    YIKES. you do know most ppl that have been r*ped or sexually assaulted have life trauma?? just because you havent experienced it does NOT give you the right to invalidate actual victim's feelings. once again, jooin was literally drunk and not in his right mind. he had no idea what was happening to him. just say you hate women and go

    raindragon June 19, 2020 9:33 pm
    And in the contrary.. idk how you came to the conclusion that I said things would be okay if a womam told her struggles to someone. Most of the time these things are dismissed because there's no proof. But then... OrbitKoi

    lmao that was a joke, but it just proves that your sense of humor is underdeveloped and starved for attention. LOL

    raindragon June 19, 2020 10:03 pm
    I really think you just didn't read or interpret my comment correctly so I won't bother trying to educate you. You can't just consider something as rape or something else as not rape when it fits your narrative... OrbitKoi

    Yes, It does have to fit my narrative in order for me to call it rape.
    -Rape is never plain and simple. That kind of thinking can lead to many injustices.
    -Consent does not have to be verbal. but if, in your opinion, it has to be verbal, then neither of them gave consent.
    -Both individuals are responsible for using protection.
    -I never said I loved this manhwa.
    -Each individual adult is responsible for his own level of drunkeness. No one should be held responsible for knowing how drunk someone else is - except when the person is clearly not in control of his body, or unless the person is passed out. In that case, knowingly forcing an incapacitated individual is rape.
    -saying that you must never have sex with someone who has been drinking is ridiculous. Who on earth is going to enforce such a law? People USUALLY have sex with someone else when each has had some drinks, especially if the relationship is brand new
    If someone gives someone a gift and the other person says no, it most often means, "oh no, you shouldn't have!" It's an acceptance, not a rejection. These situations must be on a case by case basis.
    -People say no all the time. they also say stop and wait. To be rape, it has to be accompanied by some form of resistance, and I would count it as resistance if the person was verbally insistent. If the "victim" could have walked away, it's not rape. If the couple is concerned, I'd suggest a safe word.
    -We still have to be sure that people are innocent until proven guilty.
    -I've been waiting my whole life for someone to have sex with me against my will. LOL jk

    raindragon June 19, 2020 10:09 pm
    And in the contrary.. idk how you came to the conclusion that I said things would be okay if a womam told her struggles to someone. Most of the time these things are dismissed because there's no proof. But then... OrbitKoi

    come on. Unless you tell someone and only keep it to yourself for the rest of your life, it's not even worth discussing.
    The exception is, of course, is if the person is afraid or intimidated. Even so, if the rape is never discovered, then why are we even deciding if there's a case for rape?
    I guess I did put words in your mouth about discussing it with another woman. please pardon me on that.
    There has to be proof. I'll never take someone's word for it when someone's life is at stake.

    raindragon June 19, 2020 10:11 pm
    And by you believing rape isn't a horrible crime, you're invalidating those who have actually experienced it and didn't get justice. Educate yourself please.. nothing is more dangerous to a society than a perso... OrbitKoi

    I think you know that I never said that rape is not a horrible crime. It has to be a horrible crime in order for me to consider it rape.