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I'm confused, who know she is a girl? Only the blond guy and the glasses one?( Sorry I can...

MoonTae June 17, 2020 2:08 pm

I'm confused, who know she is a girl? Only the blond guy and the glasses one?( Sorry I can't remember their names) and who is the glasses guy, does he know her from long ago( I don't think she know him, but I can see he know more of her)?

    Amakenu June 17, 2020 7:09 pm

    Not 100% sure if I remember correctly but I think only blondie + glasses know that she's a girl. The glasses is actually the guy from the dojo that is MC's friend, but in a disguise. She doesn't know that though.

    MoonTae June 17, 2020 7:31 pm
    Not 100% sure if I remember correctly but I think only blondie + glasses know that she's a girl. The glasses is actually the guy from the dojo that is MC's friend, but in a disguise. She doesn't know that thoug... Amakenu

    I kinda remembered something, but I wasn't sure. Thank you