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Wolfgang June 16, 2020 8:48 pm

I'm SCREAMING I just saw the cover and I was wowee this must be some good smut and then I read the title and the "now let's pour some vodka in yuri's ass" kjsflbjrkdlfbhwdv ahhhhhhh I cannot stop laughing

    Anime_is_life June 17, 2020 9:56 am

    Hahahahahahhahaha (︶︿︶)=凸 bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha ( ̄へ ̄)

    Coochiecuddles July 26, 2020 7:25 am

    I just wanna know what you were expecting from the cover that made you surprised about the title... there's literally a vodka bottle in his ass, lmaoooo