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Wait was that lady that was giving the bad vibes Susan?

Kelsey June 16, 2020 6:17 pm

Wait was that lady that was giving the bad vibes Susan?

    Aisha June 16, 2020 6:25 pm

    i think so

    Minik June 16, 2020 6:48 pm

    Yep!!! Remember she was older then she said she was? She told everyone she just turned 18, Adele recalled her being late 20 or 30 when she disappeared, so she would’ve been in her 30s or 40s by now. Not to mention her new poor status which doesn’t have enough money to buy skin care products and makeup.
    (She visibly reacted to the name of the duke house as well)
    So that’s definitely her.

    God Of Unknown June 16, 2020 6:55 pm
    Yep!!! Remember she was older then she said she was? She told everyone she just turned 18, Adele recalled her being late 20 or 30 when she disappeared, so she would’ve been in her 30s or 40s by now. Not to me... Minik

    There is also the fact that she got poison which ages her faster than she’s meant to.