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hey hEY HEY June 15, 2020 5:49 pm

final installment of the series (i think?) and im gonna say it, almost all the other couples EXCEPT FOR THE MAIN ONE are my faves.


its probably because of my personal dislike with idiot/airheaded ukes that makes me dislike towa/mikado more than the others. its also probably because the author dragged them actually dating each other for 5 volumes,,, FIVE volumes with about 3+ chapters each. yeah that aint it.

my fave couple is probably nanao/kuon and this couple since their dynamics are A++. ngl i wish there was some more for nanao/kuon after they moved in because i feel like we'll see more sides of each other.

favorite character is undeniably kimiko, nanao and mikado's older sister. i just (→o←) everytime a page includes her, love tha

the series span over 14 volumes and im must say im impressed by the variety of characters. i really thought that yuu (towa's friend) was gonna get his own spin off but nope, ngl thats fine.

though i really want to see their oldest brother (dont remember his name) reaction to finding out both his younger brothers are gay, i think that'll be pretty fun to read

thanka for reading this comment (⌒▽⌒)
