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im sorry...(dis is just my opinion gurls and guys and gays and lesbis)

Megami-Rori June 15, 2020 11:19 am

At the start of her appearing and giving advices, i liked her but the fact that SHE KNOWS that HE'S A MARRIED MAN and SHE'S STILL BOTHERING THEM WITH THEIR LOVE LIFE is one of the most stupid and annoying things i have ever seen. Well the 2nd to be honest. I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT what the f is with you saying "yOur mAjEstY, iS soMeThiNg boThErinG yOu?" ..... YOU'RE INTERRUPTING HIM FOR G'S SAKE HUHUHUHU. I am cryin gurl, find another man my dear please....
