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People who miss the main couple + complain about the 2nd couple are seriously annoying

blackisthenewblue June 15, 2020 8:51 am

So you miss the “main couple” and dislike the 2nd and “might drop this manhwa if there aren’t any more chapters with the main couple”....

Then do it? Like I’ve read a few comments stating that the author won’t make any chapters for the 1st couple anymore..

And just to be clear, you complain about Dongha being manipulative and not being able to show his emotions.. wasn’t Youngwoon the same? So what makes Youngwoon different from Dongha? Also Youngwoon is very possessive too, do I read any comments complaining about him? No.

The 1st couple had a lot of sex scenes, any complaints? No.
The 2nd couple has a lot of sex scenes: complaints! “Omg they only fuck” Wth?!

The 1st couple: took about fucking 40 chapters for Youngwoon to confess and for them to be a couple.
2nd couple: After about 20 chapters, uke confessed, seme indirectly confessed and they’re now a couple
