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ShizuxHiro!! Loved it HILARIOUS!! I felt soo bad for those boys in the classroom with them...

VampireKnight July 28, 2014 3:05 pm

ShizuxHiro!! Loved it HILARIOUS!! I felt soo bad for those boys in the classroom with them!!! A teacher talking about Adult toys how.... Naughty~glint~!! Urghh I hate three somes but loved this& people who says its disgusting to do that... I mean that them wether a sadist or Masochist its none of your buisness :) !!Loved the extra even the teacher was like ........... It's ok,because I love you that line kills me!! Never FORGET the most important person in the world! Makes my heart melt~

    Slappysticks August 23, 2014 2:00 am

    Thanks you
    You got me all excited for this I'm the same way with threesome cus I always feel bad for one and I'm just saying make up ur mine but hearing about the naughty things that will happen can't wait