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aight I have a problem with the guy if he isnt ready respect that god I want to kill him

april12345 June 9, 2020 3:48 pm

aight I have a problem with the guy if he isnt ready respect that god I want to kill him

    Lani August 30, 2020 3:20 pm

    Yuya stays going with the flow until it gets time to have sex or even do ANYTHING sexual with the seme that doesnt require just him getting some sort of pleasure. How the fuck is the seme supposed to know that yuya isnt ready if he always just goes with the flow like that??? Yuya is a goddamn selfish asshole that thinks of no one but himself. I feel so bad for his seme getting stuck with a bitch like that.

    Nyanmi August 31, 2020 6:55 am
    Yuya stays going with the flow until it gets time to have sex or even do ANYTHING sexual with the seme that doesnt require just him getting some sort of pleasure. How the fuck is the seme supposed to know that ... Lani

    not the victim blaming a person can have boundaries but aight Ill let you have your opinions

    Lani August 31, 2020 8:11 pm
    not the victim blaming a person can have boundaries but aight Ill let you have your opinions Nyanmi

    Yuya isnt a victim of anything but go off ig