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I've never feel so inspired by the growth of yaoi or shounen ai comic like this

shinayu June 13, 2020 1:47 am

I've never feel so inspired by the growth of yaoi or shounen ai comic like it makes me rethink about my life...I'm 28 and just like Chu now never had the mind set on anything. Altho I didn't go thru boys like he did with girls. It's been opposite for me for the most of my life i've only dated 1 person for 8-9 years and knew her for 6 years as a bestfriend, I'm pansexual. I was always faithful to her and didn't date anyone else even if there were interests. However we broke up early this year.

My family has always coddled me (they never really pressure me to do anything) my whole life, and my ex was unlike me very self driven (more like traumatised) by her single mum, was the only one pacing me to work hard like her unlike anyone else. I've had conflict for so many years of what I truly want to be and to do not like I don't want to work hard. Even now, after working for quite a few retail places just cos I decided to postpone uni (didn't know what I wanted to do at uni either).

I've always been aimless.

I knew I wanted freedom (like have my own apartment live by myself) my whole life but I never worked for it. Even right now my parents left me alone in this house technically that counts as freedom but its not. It's a burden that I have to live with. I am grateful that I don't have to pay rent though or any of that bills. However I am lost now after the breakup as I've always thought we'd be together forever and have been stagnant. After the breakup early this year, I've not done anything. Quitted my job and all...been cooped up at home for so many months (like yeah i went out to buy essentials but thats it). I don't know what I want with my life anymore...and everyday I think I must do something but I keep doing nothing the past MONTHS. In the beginning it was the PTSD of this long term breakup that haunted me now I feel like I'm dysfunctional like truly purposeless. And not knowing who to trust again (when you spent 15 years of your life invested in someone it makes you doubt that what is the sole purpose of caring for anyone again)

I thought to myself I will go and sign up to study film cos I want to do youtube but I have doubts. Like damn hell just bloody do it!! Instead of pitying myself over and over again...but damn its hard. WHY??

    akane006 June 12, 2020 11:17 pm

    It´s nice that you can at least share your thoughts here, sometimes we just need to cry out to strangers because it is easier and it very hard to truth in the people around us to tell them how are we feeling or they just don´t care. I kind of understand a little bit how you feel, I´m 33, I have a career and a job but all the stuff that I´ve done are just because I have to... I have to finish school, I have to go to college, I have to get a job, I have to do post-grades, I have to... but if you take all that away, I don´t really have any aim or purpose, I don´t have the option to stay at home without working because I need money to keep living... I just know that we have to keep moving...

    parkbogomi June 13, 2020 4:30 am

    i'm 28 yo too, and i have an advice for u do the thing and then think about it, don't be so hesitant try a lot of things till u find the thing that will satisfy u, if u want a chanel on youtube just give this idea a chance, we overthink things and come to doubt ourselves as well as our ideas, so just do it think later, and don't think too much about ur love life, everybody is breaking up we r no difference that only means we r not with the right person, i was with my first love for 5 years he is the only boyfriend i have ever had bcz i'm so picky , but guess what i'm happy now i won't pretend that i'm not seeying the truths for temporary happiness , i'm preparing for exams to go to university again i have 3 diplomas that means i have studies 3 specialties, but neither of them was the thng i wanted so i'm redoing the thing all over again making sure i do the thing i love the right thing i'm not feeling old or less loved or lacking, i'm ME everyone has his own life story and he is the MC of it, having taugh or different lifeor things arn't going well with u doesn't make u less important or less capable or whatever, it is just as it is, u r not alone in this world , everyone has his struggling part, we r fortunate that tons of people we r gonna appreciate that and FIGHT, we can find our purpose or we will die searching for it either way is good, everthing is fine and have more sense as long as u r not commiting some shit to hurt people and stab humanity values

    shinayu June 13, 2020 4:48 am
    It´s nice that you can at least share your thoughts here, sometimes we just need to cry out to strangers because it is easier and it very hard to truth in the people around us to tell them how are we feeling o... akane006

    Yeah I have friends who have no choice but to work because they don't live at home. I totally feel like a wimp when I tell them about how depressed I am...and for someone like yourself who read my post. However, I really appreciate you telling me about your feelings and thoughts too despite having everything going for you. Thank you for writing this comment on my post.

    Honestly it is surprising how many ppl are still moving regardless how much they hate their jobs...and for me being such a big idealist who also cares too much about being happy with work. I am definitely too fortunate to even have that option of quitting on what I hate. I am going back to study (and working part time) and although I feel old to study again but like the last responder and there are some other ppl who I know are still studying. I shouldn't be ashamed about studying there are others who are still studying even when they are in their 50s or people who are employeed but picking up more courses for further development...yeah so it's definitely been long enough for me and I am ready to move again. Although don't know how I'd be able to tell the interviews about my situation with why I went thru so many jobs in short amount of time. I guess I'll just be honest with them...won't hurt hey.

    shinayu June 13, 2020 5:03 am
    i'm 28 yo too, and i have an advice for u do the thing and then think about it, don't be so hesitant try a lot of things till u find the thing that will satisfy u, if u want a chanel on youtube just give this i... parkbogomi

    Your comment made me honestly what you said about how "Everybody is breaking up and we are no different" which really made me think about how if people can go through this I can too. Also I did come across videos/articles about how ppl broke their relationship/engagement/marriage after a long period of time. I thought it was uncommon that I've broken up with someone who I knew for SO LONG...but then realised there are so many people who are just like me and who are still grinding. I do feel bad for being so depressed for so many months about it but I also do understand it isn't easy and I shouldn't feel to bad with how I dealt with the breakup. Like It's a mind boggling battle of guilt that I carry in my head even till now. Altho hav been cheering myself with going on dates with ppl from dating apps, started to look for jobs again and waiting to apply for studying again.
    Also your comment sang to me because you really gave me the idea of trying even if I fail. I think I became too sensitive over the years esp around mid 20s. I think you're very inspirational for picking up your studies again and you make me feel like I was worrying for nothing for returning to studies at a mature age. I didn't finish university (college) as I didn't really think I fit in. Now I just wanna pick up skills I lack and hope that my life will get better because I realise I never was truly happy (I derived happiness from my ex and my friends and that was something only temporary I realised thru this breakup). I hope to work on my happiness and just like you said "We can find our purpose or we will die searching for it either way is good". I honestly feel overwhelmed with the warmth of your encouragement and what you said was none other than TRUTH and gonna try to engrain them in my brain. THANK YOU.

    parkbogomi June 13, 2020 6:37 am
    Your comment made me honestly what you said about how "Everybody is breaking up and we are no different" which really made me think about how if people can go through this I can too. Also I did com... shinayu

    u r welcome, i wish u happiness from the bottom of my heart, may god leads u to the comfort and serenity that u seek in ur life

    akane006 June 13, 2020 7:25 pm
    u r welcome, i wish u happiness from the bottom of my heart, may god leads u to the comfort and serenity that u seek in ur life parkbogomi

    Serenity, I love that word...