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Ok, in Darker Than Black Hei befriended a guy who wanted to work for NASA and go into spac...

Kana-chan July 22, 2014 5:19 am

Ok, in Darker Than Black Hei befriended a guy who wanted to work for NASA and go into space with his sick little sister or something and he had the same power as Hei but his price was to flip his victims shoes downside neatly. Going by that information I'm pretty sure he put Hei out of his misery because he was dying anyway because he had flipped Hei's shoes, if that's not enough proof for yah near the end you could see NASA on the collar of his jacket. If you actually read this long rant, thank you! ^^

    yaoi lover October 6, 2015 3:39 am

    no kind person, thank you.

    KissMeDarkly October 11, 2016 6:59 pm

    No, as far as I can tell, he killed the guy who was raping Hei and flipped his shoes. I don't think he would bother cleaning Hei up and redressing him and covering him with a blanket if he were just going to kill him. I'm pretty sure the flipped shoes belonged to the guy who was raping Hei. If you like, it kinda looks like Hei's shoes are still next to him. Maybe just me, though?